
  • Competitive Intelligence and Strategy
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Jose Adolfo M. Mariquit

Adjunct Faculty

Academic Background

  • Master in Business Management, Asian Institute of Management
  • Bachelor of Science, Philippine Military Academy

Professional and Academic Experience

  • Managing Director, Actelligos Business Consulting (Singapore)
  • Global Head of Intelligence and Strategy, Asia Pulp & Paper (Indonesia)
  • Head of Intelligence, AIA Philippines
  • Managing Director, Fuld & Company (Singapore)
  • Head of Talent Market Intelligence, MRI (Hong Kong)
  • Founder and Managing Director, ExplorAsia GBRS
  • APAC Project Director, AMI Business Consulting (Hong Kong)
  • Head of Strategy, UCPB 
  • Business Development Manager, Philippine Seven Corporation 
  • Fighter Pilot & Officer, Philippine Air Force

Affiliations, Awards, and Honors

  • Scholar, Zobel Foundation
  • Member, Mensa (Hong Kong)

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