
  • Marketing, Business Development
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Joseph Charles B. Cruel

Adjunct Faculty

Academic Background

  • Master in Business Administration, De La Salle University
  • Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, Miriam College

Professional and Academic Experience

  • Marketing and Business Development Director, SCPG Asia Pacific (Perla Detergent)
  • Consultant – New Business/Mergers and Acquisition, Nutriasia Inc.
  • New Business Development Group Head, Nutriasia Inc.
  • Managing Director, Wellmade Manufacturing Corporation
  • Vice President, Non-Alcoholic Division, International and Business Development, Asia Brewery Inc.
  • Assistant Vice President, Business Development, Asia Brewery Inc.
  • Senior Manager Broadband, Web data services, Smart Communications – PLDT Group
  • Senior Manager, Mobile VAS and Data Services, Smart Communications – PLDT Group

Affiliations, Awards, and Honors

  • Member of the Philippine Marketing Association and Association of Marketing Educators of the Philippines
  • 2005 First Young Market Master Award for Consumer Brand Management

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