With the new Nexus logo, AIM doesn’t just sit at the heart of fluid change, but leads, inspires, and transforms the forces that exist around it — ultimately changing the perception of what an educational institution can be.

With our new logo, dubbed the Nexus, AIM doesn’t just sit at the heart of fluid change, but leads, inspires, and transforms the forces that exist around it — ultimately changing the perception of what an educational institution can be.

Organizations rebrand at different periods in their history. For AIM, the rationale for rebranding is anchored in our efforts to modernize, expand, and pivot. As Asia changes, so must business — and so must we.

Our new visual identity represents:

  • our desire to respond to the changing times and changing market tastes;
  • our efforts to [re]capture market share and grow it;
  • our new trajectory of program innovation and expansion;
  • our renewed commitment, in light of the upcoming Golden Anniversary, to our founders’ guiding principles and our mission-vision; and
  • our need to differentiate ourselves from our competitors.

To kick off our 50th anniversary celebrations, we begin this year with a new logo that not only represents the emergent dynamism of our Institute but the rapidly occurring changes within our region as well.

The Nexus embodies and embraces fluidity, given the nature of our times. Yet it remains rooted in the heritage and guiding principles of our founding families. As the shape of the old shield morphs into the new Nexus, AIM continues to serve as a focal point where business, government, and society converge, connect, and synergize.

The homage to legacy and heritage is most evident in the continued use of green and blue (honoring the critical contributions of De La Salle and Ateneo universities), and yellow. Those colors have taken on additional meaning, now also representing the land (green), sea (blue), sun and human spirit (yellow), which evoke our regional character. Purple, the only new color to our palette, represents the shared prosperity — social, spiritual, and financial — that these elements come together to produce.

The Nexus gives the school an energetic and vibrant identity, one designed to change and evolve in digital and non-digital applications, and to convey our ability to adapt and respond to challenges present and future.

The words “Asian Institute of Management” are at the center of these shapes, just as it continues to sit at the heart of what those shapes represent: business, government, and society.

What helps AIM stand out amongst our competitors is not just that the Institute understands the region, or that it inspires change, but that it does both.

Above all, our mission-vision, as well as our aspirations and desires for all our stakeholders are accurately summarized in the tagline that accompanies our new logo: Lead. Inspire. Transform.

This dynamism will be echoed in the way we work, how we will serve our customers new programs and initiatives across many touch points

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