If you are planning for a year, sow rice;
if you are planning for a decade, plant trees;
if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.

Welcome to our new Asian Institute of Management website!

As you browse through our pages, the relevance of the Chinese proverb I quoted will become more apparent.

We have been in the business of educating many of Asia’s influential managers and leaders since AIM’s inception in 1968. We take pride in being the pioneering school of management in Asia, and we are equally proud of the fact that we have championed the management principles of social responsibility and ethical governance from the very start. Our mission-vision demonstrates how seriously we take “planning for a lifetime”.

The programs we offer are designed to enable students not only to find their purpose and excel at what they love doing, but to extend this passion towards society to engender a shared prosperity that encompasses sustainable gains both financial and social.

Whether you are poised to enhance your new careers, advance towards positions of greater authority, establish your startups, expand your business, or seek new ways to approach development work in civil society or government, AIM’s focus on real-world learning with real-time application means that you will be in a position to unlock value and seize opportunities amidst the rapid shifts and challenges we face now, and in the future.

I invite you to examine each of our website’s sections, and contact our Office of Admissions and Recruitment to find out how an AIM education provides a lifetime of value.

If you are one of our stakeholders — students, faculty, staff, alumni, trustees, benefactors, longstanding partners — you will see how the Institute is growing, and how much we continue to rely on your support. We are ever so thankful for your steadfast commitment and trust.

AIM is turning 50 in 2018, and we look forward to sharing our Golden Anniversary and our future achievements with you all!

Jikyeong Kang

All the best,

Jikyeong Kang Signature

Jikyeong Kang, PhD President and Dean

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