Dr. Andrew L. Tan Center for Tourism

Tourism Research has a new destination



AIM-EarthCheck Sustainability Academy

Implementing Sustainability in the Philippine Tourism and Hospitality Industry


The biggest challenge of tourism and hospitality stakeholders is to ensure efficiency resource management, profitability, and economic sustainability of all assets. Overall capacity needs to be increased to implement sustainable development plans within units, departments, organizations, and jurisdictions.

Sustainability is increasingly important to visitors globally, but what does that mean for your role in the tourism industry? This program provides practical advice to support you in the delivery of sustainable tourism outcomes that meet evolving consumer needs.

The program supports the Philippine National Tourism Development Plan 2023-2028 with its vision to develop globally competitive, environmentally sustainable, and socially responsible practices.



The AIM–Dr. Andrew L. Tan Center for Tourism and the world’s leading sustainable advisory and scientific benchmarking company, EarthCheck Research Institute, offer their expertise in equipping and empowering tourism stakeholders with the language and tools of sustainability that can be utilized in preparing a sustainability project or plan, and crafting strategic directions for their respective units, departments, organizations, or jurisdictions.

Overall, this program aims to cultivate deeper understanding of how tourism products can be designed and developed, how stakeholders can be managed, and how the benefits of tourism can uplift the lives of local communities – all anchored on the principles and practices of sustainability.

The program will support you to:

  • Increase operational efficiencies and reduce costs;
  • Develop a better understanding of sustainability at home and work; and
  • Build confidence in implementing sustainability actions.

At the end of program, you will be able to:

  • Understand and acquire the language and principles of sustainability;
  • Develop a sustainability project/plan for your unit, department, organization, or jurisdiction;

Present an implementation plan for your proposed sustainability project or plan.  


Learning Process:

The program is to be delivered in two phases: an online and an in-person setup.



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