Why Give?

AIM’s benefactors, alumni, and friends are key partners in the Institute’s growth, helping make AIM what it is today and continuing to help shape its future. For more than 50 years, our donors and partners have become the lifeblood of AIM, supporting a wide range of programs and activities. Their support has strengthened the Institute and has enabled it to flourish.

Donations to the AIM Scientific Research Foundation are used to support AIM’s strategic initiatives focused on faculty development, producing more research and thought leadership output, providing additional scholarships and student loans, and establishing Executives in Residence, distinguished Fellow in Development Management programs, and prominent visiting professorship posts.

For inquiries regarding donations, please contact:
+63 2 8892 40117404

The AIM Scientific Research Foundation, Inc. (AIM-SRF) is a non-stock, non-profit organization established in 1968 to support the Asian Institute of Management’s (AIM) development initiatives.


AIM-SRF spearheads fundraising activities to support AIM’s various needs and programs, and is the focal for receiving contributions, gifts, endowments, donations, and grants made to the Institute.

Its work focuses primarily on assisting AIM in exploring and developing further knowledge on management and development in Asia through the conduct of scientific research and development projects, the establishment of scholarships and professorial chairs that promote further study, and the construction and enhancement of buildings and amenities, as well as acquisition of various equipment to expand and improve AIM’s learning environment.

For inquiries regarding donations, please contact:

Email srf@aim.edu

Tel +63 2 8892 4011 ext 7404

Why Give?

AIM’s benefactors, alumni, and friends are key partners in the Institute’s growth, helping make AIM what it is today and continuing to help shape its future. For more than 50 years, our donors and partners have become the lifeblood of AIM, supporting a wide range of programs and activities. Their support has strengthened the Institute and has enabled it to flourish.

Donations to the AIM Scientific Research Foundation are used to support AIM’s strategic initiatives focused on faculty development, producing more research and thought leadership output, providing additional scholarships and student loans, and establishing Executives in Residence, distinguished Fellow in Development Management programs, and prominent visiting professorship posts.

Benefits of Giving

A gift to AIM is an investment in honing talent, shaping insights, and imparting wisdom for ASEAN and beyond. AIM donors can enjoy tax benefits, receive naming opportunities, and be recognized by the AIM community and its network across the globe.

  • Thought Leadership. Be regarded as a visionary and thought leader in education, especially in the fields of transformative business, societal management, sustainability, innovation and technology.
  • Naming Opportunities. Leave a legacy and position your family and/or company’s brand in nation-building for decades to come by establishing endowed scholarships, student loans, facilities, or endowed professorial chairs in their preferred name.
  • Tax Benefits. AIM-SRF is accredited by the Philippine Council for NGO Certification (PCNC), an independent organization (recognized by the Philippine Government through the Department of Finance and Bureau of Internal Revenue), which certifies non-profit organizations that meet an established minimum criteria for financial management and accountability.
  • The PCNC accreditation certifies that AIM-SRF is a registered donee institution, and is entitled to provide donors with full or limited tax benefit from donations received.
  • Recognition. Contributions to the Institute are recognized throughout the AIM community and may be acknowledged by its international network through our internal publications and website. Donors can also be recognized every time the sponsored school, professors, and students are positioned in the media, in published papers, or are speaking at conferences in the Philippines, around the region, and globally.
  • Credit Card
  • Check Donations
  • Wire Transfer
  • Give2Asia
  • Degree Program

    Executive Education
  • Please make your check payable to the AIM Scientific Research Foundation or AIM -SRF, Inc.

  • If using this method, kindly fax or email the AIM Scientific Research Foundation or AIM -SRF, Inc. c/o srf@aim.edu to inform AIM of the transfer in order that your donation can be tracked.


    You may opt to use the method below in order to avail of appropriate tax exemptions based on US laws.

    To support the AIM Fund through Give2Asia, please log on to give2asia.org and select The Asian Institute of Management Fund.

    Give to Asia

    Give2Asia is a US 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded by The Asia Foundation to promote charitable giving to Asia. As a recognized tax exempt charitable organization, donations are tax deductible according to US law.

From Our President

The US$5 campaign is a symbolic coming together of alumni in the form of class giving. To show the Institute’s appreciation, recognitions and rewards await the classes who generate the highest percentage of giving, who muster the most number of donors and who do it the fastest.

This should be a fun and friendly competition among batches, with AIM as the biggest winner. The road to 50 and beyond begins with alumni and it begins right now.

Dr. Jikyeong Kang President and Dean, Asian Institute of Management

Invest in the future

Your gift to AIM is an investment in honing talent, shaping insights, and imparting wisdom for ASEAN and beyond.

For inquiries regarding donations, please contact:
+63 2 8892 40117404

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