
Transformative Business and Societal Management

Our programs are administered by four schools: the W. SyCip Graduate School of Business (WSGSB), the School of Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (SITE), the Stephen Zuellig Graduate School of Development Management (ZSDM) and the School of Executive Education.

These schools train business, government, and civil society managers and leaders to successfully resolve the challenges and seize the opportunities of an emerging Asia.

Washington SyCip Graduate School of Business

Developing the Next Wave of Asian Business Leaders

For over 40 years, the W. SyCip Graduate School of Business (WSGSB) has been training generations of leaders and managers for the Asian market. Global in scope and content, Asian in context and delivery, our programs are designed with emphasis on practitioner-oriented teaching and learning. Since 1968, over 4,000 graduates from 27 countries have used AIM’s MBA as their passport to a lifelong achievement-filled career.

Stephen Zuellig Graduate School of Development Management

Promoting Sustainability and Social Development

The Stephen Zuellig Graduate School of Development Management (ZSDM) is AIM's response to the challenge of sustaining Asian development. By working to address the sustainable development goals agenda, the school creates principled development leaders and managers well-equipped to achieve sustainable success.

School of Executive Education and Lifelong Learning

Enhanced Professional Development for Full-Time Executives

The School of Executive Education and Lifelong Learning is the executive development arm of AIM. With it, we provide leading-edge, differentiated, and results-oriented executive education programs. These programs build managerial and leadership capabilities, and enable participants to become lifelong learners in their organizations and communities.

Aboitiz School of Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (ASITE)

Asian Hub for future-ready leaders

This is where future-ready leaders are honed and nurtured. These leaders will be comfortable with uncertainty, adept at handling issues, and confident about executing decisions in a rapidly changing environment.

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