
  • Economics, Negotiations, Strategy, Critical Thinking

Research Interests

  • Migration, Asian Business
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Victoria S. Licuanan

Adjunct Faculty, Retired Professor

Academic Background

  • Bachelor of Arts (magna cum laude), Maryknoll College, Quezon City, Philippines

Professional and Academic Experience

  • Former Dean, Asian Institute of Management (2010)
  • Professor, Asian Institute of Management (2014)
  • Resident Research Fellow, Asian Institute of Management

Affiliations, Awards, and Honors

  • Competitive Research Award: Barsbei, T., Licuanan, V.S., Steinmyr, A., Tiongson, E., & Yang, D. Harnessing the Development Benefits of International Migration: A Randomized Evaluation of Enhanced Pre-Departure Orientation Seminars for Migrants from the Philippines. International Initiative for Impact Evaluation


  • 2015: Licuanan, V., Mahmoud, T. O., & Steinmayr, A. The Drivers of Diaspora Donations for Development: Evidence from the Philippines. World Development, 65, 94-109. doi:10.1016/j.worlddev.2014.05.010
  • 2015: Licuanan, V. S., Sengupta, K., & Neelankavil, J. P. Entrepreneurship and innovation initiatives among Asian multinationals. International Journal of Commerce and Management, 25(1), 67-83. doi:10.1108/ijcoma-02-2013-0014

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