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Chad Michael Briggs, PhD
Academic Program Director, Executive Master in Disaster Risk and Crisis Management
Academic Background
- PhD in Political Science, Carleton University, Canada
- Master of Arts in International Affairs, University of Limerick, Ireland
- Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Professional and Academic Experience
- Director of Graduate Studies & Research Professor, University of Alaska Anchorage
- Principal Consultant, Global Interconnections LLC
- Lecturer (Global Security), John Hopkins University
- Professor, American University in Kosovo (RIT-K)
- Senior Consultant, General Dynamics Information Technology
- Minerva Chair & Professor, Air War College, US Air Force
- Senior Advisor, U.S. Department of Energy
- Senior Fellow, Institute for Environmental Security
- Assistant Professor, Lehigh University
- Fulbright Professor, Corvinus University, Budapest
- Assistant Professor, California State University Fullerton
- Budget and Policy Director, Wisconsin State Government
- Foreign Campaign Advisor, Hungarian Alliance of Free Democrats
- Legislative Aide (Sen. Michael Ellis), Wisconsin State Senate
- Freelance Writer, Chaosium Inc.
Affiliations, Awards, and Honors
- Academic Advisor:
- Pardee School of Global Studies (RAND)
- Charite Institute of Tropical Medicine and International Health (Berlin)
- Geneva Center for Security Policy, Switzerland (GCSCP)
- Charles University (Prague)
- Member, Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change (GMACCC), 2021-present
- Researcher of the Year, College of Business & Public Policy, University of Alaska Anchorage, 2021
- Johns Hopkins University Innovative Teaching Award, 2017
- Minerva Defense Fellow, Office of the US Secretary of Defense, 2010-2012
- Fulbright Alumni Award 2010 (Roundtable USA- Germany, Denmark)
- Fulbright Scholar 2008 (Germany, Belgium)
- Franz Junior Faculty Fellowship 2007, 2008 (Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina)
- Fulbright NATO/EU Studies Seminar, 2006 (Belgium)
- Fulbright Scholar, 2005-2006 (Hungary)
- Professor of the Year, Dept of Political Science, California State University, 2004
- ‘Best of Breed’ Award, Centers for Digital Government and Digital Education, 2002
- Research Fellowship, University College London, UK, 1999-2000
- Phi Beta Kappa, Golden Key National Honors, 1994
- Rotary International Scholar (Norway), 1989-1990
Peer-reviewed Journals
- Gerth, F., O’Brien, M., & Briggs, C. M. (2025). Allocative efficiency of UK firms during the great recession. Applied Economics Letters, 1–6.
- Pascual, L. A. C. A., Ong, A. K. S., Briggs, C. M., Diaz, J. F. T., & German, J. D. (2024). Factors affecting the intention to prepare for flash floods in the Philippines. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 112, 104794.
- Briggs, C. M., & Matejova, M. (2023). Hybrid warfare in Ukraine and its impact on climate Politics. Czech Journal of International Relations, 58(2), 149–165.
- Danyk, Y., & Briggs, C. M. (2023). Modern cognitive operations and hybrid warfare. Journal of Strategic Security, 16(1), 35-50.
- Briggs, C. M., Matejova, M., & Weiss, R. (2022). Developing strategic disaster intelligence capabilities. Intelligence and National Security, 37(1), 985-1002.
- Matejova, M., & Briggs, C. M. (2021). Embracing the darkness: methods for tackling uncertainty and complexity in environmental disaster risks. Global Environmental Politics, 21(1), 1-13.
- Briggs, C. M. (2020). Climate change and hybrid warfare strategies. Journal of Strategic Security, 13(4), 45-57.
- Briggs, C. M. (2020). Climate crisis as a national security risk. Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, 21, 5-11.
- Briggs, C. M. (2012). Climate security, risk assessment, and military planning. International Affairs, 88(5), 1049-1064.
- Briggs, C. M. (2012). Developing strategic & operational environmental intelligence capabilities. Intelligence and National Security, 27(5), 652-667.
- Briggs, C. M. (2010). Environmental change, strategic foresight, and impacts on military power. Parameters, 40(3), 1-15.
- Briggs, C. M., Anderson, L., & Walji, M. (2009). Environmental health risks and vulnerability in post-conflict regions. Medicine, Conflict & Survival, 25(2), 122-133.
- Briggs, C. M. (2008). Risk assessment: perchlorate as a national security threat. IEEE Technology & Society, 26(3), 19-24.
- Briggs, C. M. (2006). Science and environmental risk: the case of perchlorate in California. Environmental Politics, 15(3), 532-549.
- Briggs, C. M. (2006). Science, local knowledge and exclusionary practices: lessons from the Alta Dam case. Norwegian Journal of Geography, 60(2), 149-160.
Book and Book Chapter
- Briggs, C. M., & Matejova, M. (2019). Disaster Security: Using Military and Intelligence Tools for Energy & Environmental Risk Assessment. Cambridge University Press.
- Briggs, C. M., & Weissbecker, I. (2012). Salting the earth: Environmental health challenges in post-conflict reconstruction. In D. Jensen, & S. Lonergan (Eds.), Assessing and Restoring Natural Resources In Post-Conflict Peacebuilding. New York: Routledge.