
  • Corporate Governance

Research Interests

  • Partnerships, Leadership & Strategic Management, Organizational Performance Management & Measurement, Sustainability Reporting and Investing, Governance, Competitiveness
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Monica Thiel, PhD

Assistant Professor

Academic Background

  • PhD in Social Science, Tilburg University
  • Master of Divinity, Princeton University
  • Bachelor of Arts, Oral Roberts University

Professional and Academic Experience

  • Associate Professor, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China
  • Guest Professor, Beijing International Studies University, Beijing, China
  • Guest Professor, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China
  • Consultant, China University of Petroleum Beijing, Beijing, China
  • Foreign Teacher, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, China

Editorial Appointments

  • Group & Organization Management, Review Editor (2022-Present)
  • Frontiers in Psychology Journal, Organizational Psychology, Associate Editor (2015-Present)
  • International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, Review Editor (2015 -Present)
  • Discover Sustainability, Topic Editor (2018-Present)

Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • Treadway, D. C., Giorgi, G., & Thiel, M. (2023). Editorial: Insights In: Organizational psychology. Frontiers in Psychology, 14,
  • Thiel, M., Giorgi, G., Ariza-Montes, A. & Mucci, N. (2023). Editorial: Community series in advancing social purpose in organizations: An interdisciplinary perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 14,
  • Thiel, M., Giorgi, G., & Ariza-Montes, A. (2022). Editorial: Exploring social networks, competitive actions, and dynamic capabilities in organizations. cross-listed research topic. Frontiers in Psychology, 7,
  • Thiel, M., Giorgi, G., Ariza-Montes, A., & Mucci N. (2021). Editorial: Advancing social purpose in organizations: An interdisciplinary perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 689734.
  • Thiel, M. (2021). Employee social network strategies: Implications for firm strategies and performance in future organizations. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 726606.
  • Thiel, M. (2020). Governing indifference in social performance reporting: Implications for responsible management education. International Journal of Management Education, 18(1), 100331.
  • Thiel, M., Levashina, J., Giorgi, G., Williamon, A., Treadway, D. C., Wen, K., & Wang, Q. (2019). Editorial: Human and social competition: An interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspective. Frontiers in Psychology,10, 2240.
  • Thiel, M. (2017). Accelerating environmental responsibility through societal governance. Journal of Global Responsibility, 8(1), 96-110.
  • Thiel, M. (2017). The power of the social domain in sustainable development: Non-market strategies for generating sustainable competitive advantage. International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, 11(2/3), 213-229. doi:10.1504/IJISD.2017.083304.
  • Agarwal, R., & Thiel, M. (2014). World class sustainable product innovation: A case study. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 18(5-6), 397-408.

Books & Book Chapters

  • Treadway, D. C., Giorgi, G., & Thiel, M. (2023). Insights in Organizational Psychology. Frontiers in Psychology, Organizational Psychology E-Book, Lausanne: Switzerland.
  • Thiel, M. Giorgi, G., & Ariza-Montes, A. (2022). Exploring social networks, competitive actions, and dynamic capabilities in organizations. Switzerland: Frontiers in Communications. DOI 10.3389/978-2-83250-013-24.
  • Thiel, M. (2021). (Associate Editor) Partnerships for the Goals. In W. L. Filho, A. M. Azul, L. Brandli, A. L. Salvia, & T. Wall (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Switzerland: Springer Cham.
  • Thiel, M. (2019). SDG 17 - Partnerships for the goals: Strengthening implementation through global cooperation. SDG Book Series - Concise Guides to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing.

Case Study

  • Agarwal, R., & Thiel, M. (2013). P&G: Providing sustainable innovative products through LCA worldwide. South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, 2(1), 85-96.

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