Celebrating Classes for Homecoming 2019 Come Together

September 18, 2018
ARO hosted the reunion of celebrating classes for the next Grand Alumni Homecoming in February 2019. Representatives from Classes of 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2009, & 2014 gathered together in preparation for the much-awaited event.
Celebrating Classes with Dr. Jikyeong Kang and AAAIM directors
Celebrating Classes with Dr. Jikyeong Kang and AAAIM directors


The Alumni Relations Office hosted the reunion of celebrating classes for the next grand alumni homecoming on February 22, 2019. Representatives from AIM Alumni Classes of 1974 (45th anniversary), 1979 (40th), 1984 (35th), 1989 (30th), 1994 (25th), 1999 (20th), 2004 (15th), 2009 (10th), and 2014 (5th) gathered together at the Fuller Hall last August 8, 2018 in preparation for the much-awaited Grand Alumni Homecoming next year. Led by the host class of MBM 1999, all the celebrating classes are expected to play a role in the planning, organizing, fundraising, and hosting of the grand homecoming.

More than forty alumni attended the reunion, with the directors of the Alumni Association of AIM - Philippine Chapter (AAAIM) also lending their presence and support.

ARO Executive Managing Director Bernie Jiao (MBM 1989) welcomed the alumni and set the stage for the new Chairman of AAAIM, Dads Domingo (MBM 1988), to address the attendees.

Dads shared his plans and strategies to strengthen AAAIM and move it forward. He gave his vote of confidence to the Homecoming Chairman, Allan Tuazon (MBM 1999), reiterating the importance of homecomings not only in promoting camaraderie but in fostering closer engagements among alumni.

No less than AIM President and Dean Dr. Jikyeong Kang also graced the event, further underscoring the importance of the homecoming. When told that the record number of homecoming attendance is still held by MBM 1979, she posed a challenge to Allan and the rest of the MBM 1999 class: find a way to top the record as a fitting start to AIM’s next 50 years and beyond.

She also updated alumni on the many new developments at the Institute as well as the upcoming activities lined up to celebrate AIM’s 50th Anniversary. These include the Gala Night on November 22, the culminating event of the Institute’s golden anniversary. Needless to say, it will be the event of the year as she exhorted alumni to make sure they count among the attendees.

Jikyeong also talked about the many other ways alumni can show support to the Institute. Among these are supporting the Alumni Database Update Project and the $5 Campaign.

“You do not need to wait until you become a billionaire in order to help your Alma Mater. There are many ways … financial support is just one,” said Jikyeong.

Lastly, Allan gave updates on the preparations for the 2019 Homecoming. He presented the proposed theme, venue, logo, stage and venue design, souvenirs, as well as initial ideas for the program.

He shared the theme adopted by MBM 1999: “Abbey Road”. More than its association with the iconic Beatles, Abbey Road is a symbol of the place to be - an icon not only for universal music but for pop culture as well. In the same vein, AIM was the place to be, producing generations of leaders and managers that have positively impacted businesses and societies.

As the event drew to a close, Allan assured that they will do their best to make the Homecoming a smashing success, promising to do everything possible to make it more memorable, more exciting, and more fun.

MBM 1999 with Dr. Jikyeong Kang
MBM 1999 with Dr. Jikyeong Kang
MBM 1974 with Dr. Jikyeong Kang
MBM 1974 with Dr. Jikyeong Kang


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