Entrepreneurial Support Systems

February 02, 2018
The Philippine Marketing Association celebrates its 64th anniversary at the Asian Institute of Management
Professor Olivier Amprimo opens the program by talking about AIM’s Master in Entrepreneurship program
Professor Olivier Amprimo opens the program by talking about AIM’s Master in Entrepreneurship program.

“One of the problems of entrepreneurs is that they are alone,” Professor Olivier Amprimo said during the 64th anniversary celebration of the Philippine Marketing Association (PMA) on 25 January 2018 at the Asian Institute of Management.

Amprimo, an Assistant Professor at the AIM Department of Strategic Management, opened the program. Speaking on how AIM’s Master in Entrepreneurship (ME) program can help business owners, Amprimo discussed the support system the program provides.

During the event, the PMA also inducted its new Board of Officers and Directors. Among them were ME alumni Enrique Pablo O. Caeg and Celestino E. Reyes, and ExecEd alumna Arlene Padua-Martinez. Caeg and Padua-Martinez were part of the 2018 Induction Committee.

According to Amprimo, in the ME program, students can ask for help not only from their mentors, but also from their classmates who can offer insights from different perspectives.

He added that, at the same time, the ME program is also highly individualized. “We look at both the enterprise and the entrepreneur,” Amprimo said, elaborating on the program’s twin-focus approach.

“When we talk about entrepreneurship, we are not just talking about Silicon Valley entrepreneurs. We are also talking about fourth-generation businesses,” he said.

2018 PMA Board of Directors' induction


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