Impact of Sustainable Finance and Sustainability Reporting on Large Companies and SMEs

November 19, 2020
The Alumni Association of AIM, Inc. (AAAIM) invites you to the 11th AAAIM Leadership. Live It. Webinar

11th AAAIM Leadership

The Alumni Association of AIM, Inc. (AAAIM) invites you to the 11th AAAIM Leadership. Live It. Webinar with topic “?????? ?? ??????????? ??????? ??? ?????????????? ????????? ?? ????? ????????? ??? ????” on ???. ??, ????, ????????? at ?:?? ?? via ????.

Please join us to learn more about the sustainable finance policy framework requiring financial institutions to integrate ESG principles into their operations and understand the guidelines and the importance of sustainability reporting in businesses.

Our webinar will feature the following speakers:

????. ?????? ?. ??????, ??? ????
Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Member, Anti- Money Laundering Council
Chairman, ASEAN Capital Market Forum Corporate Governance Working Group

??. ?????? ????????, ???, ???
Head, Washington SyCip Graduate School of Business, Asian Institute of Management
Executive Director, Gov. Jose B. Fernandez Jr., Center for Sustainable Finance
Principal Consultant, AIM Consulting Inc. (AIMCI)

The session will be moderated by ??. ?????? ????????-????????, ??? ????, Director of ING Bank N.V., Manila Branch and Former AAAIM Chairperson.

Kindly click this link to register. You may send your questions to our speakers in advance at

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