A Message of Sympathy from the Asian Institute of Management

October 08, 2017
The Asian Institute of Management (AIM) mourns the loss of its founding chairman and Chairman Emeritus, Mr. Washington SyCip who joined His Creator on October 8, 2017.
Washington Sycip: 30 June 1921 – 08 October 2017
Washington SyCip
30 June 1921 – 07 October 2017

The Asian Institute of Management (AIM) mourns the loss of its founding chairman and Chairman Emeritus, Mr. Washington SyCip who joined His Creator on 07 October 2017.

Mr. SyCip – a staunch believer in education and its critical role in uplifting lives and eradicating poverty – was one of the key proponents behind AIM’s full-time MBA program that would meet the demands of a developing and integrating Asian region. His passion for excellence and commitment to mold Filipino leaders, combined with his unfaltering generosity, led to the foundation of the Washington SyCip Graduate School of Business at AIM, which will celebrate its 50th year in 2018.

Mr. SyCip was deeply involved in AIM’s ongoing transformation to revitalize its role in an emerging ASEAN, and strongly supported its efforts to rebrand and expand program offerings for the next wave of business leaders.

His passing is a great loss to the institution and the country’s business community, but his legacy will live on in the AIM alumni who have become ethical and responsible business leaders, and who strive to live up to Mr. SyCip’s call to LEAD, INSPIRE and TRANSFORM.

Farewell, Mr. SyCip. You will forever be missed.

To read his biography, visit washingtonsycip.org/wash-biography
Read: AIM Leaders Share Their Personal Messages on Mr. SyCip's Demise

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