MSIB 2021 students win 1st Place in the IXL Innovation Olympics Summer 2020

September 15, 2020
Congratulations to our AIM Master of Science in Innovation & Business (MSIB) 2021 students behind Team LIPAD for winning the top prize in the IXL Innovation Olympics Summer 2020, the world’s largest innovation consulting competition.
1st Place - IXL Innovation Olympics Summer 2020

Congratulations to our AIM Master of Science in Innovation & Business (MSIB) 2021 students behind Team LIPAD for winning the top prize in the IXL Innovation Olympics Summer 2020, the world’s largest innovation consulting competition. Team LIPAD was challenged to provide a solution that will create 200,000 jobs in Bogota, Colombia, or other peri-urban regions in the world as a response to the high unemployment situation brought about by the pandemic.

Meet Team LIPAD of MSIB 2021:
• Noreen Marian Bautista
• Alden Ejorango
• Irex Espanto
• Raleigh Jabonero
• Margs Malazo
• Dan Quiaoit

The group’s winning solution was to put up a local transformation center inside a peri-urban locality that facilitates the adoption of E-commerce by MSMEs and increases collaboration with large businesses. Additionally, it will also function as a digital training and job matching hub for peri-urban workers.

On behalf of the AIM community, congratulations to Team LIPAD for your well-deserved victory! We are very proud of you! 

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