MSIB 2021 students win 3rd place in the ALIBABA Get Global Challenge 2020

September 15, 2020
Congratulations to our AIM Master of Science in Innovation & Business (MSIB) 2021 students who make up Team Symlify, for winning 3rd place in the ALIBABA Get Global Challenge 2020 World Finals.
3rd Place, ALIBABA Get Global Challenge 2020 World Finals

Congratulations to our AIM Master of Science in Innovation & Business (MSIB) 2021 students who make up Team Symlify, for winning 3rd place in the ALIBABA Get Global Challenge 2020 World Finals.

Meet Team Symlify of MSIB 2021:
• Toby Gonzalez
• Mike Kakumoto
• Ariel Quijano Silva Jr.
• Carlo L. Tansuk
• Jann Skyler Teng

Symlify is an order management platform specifically designed for sellers on social media, which allows for the standardization of the customer ordering process across online channels via web links without having to install or integrate anything.

The Alibaba GET Challenge is an international competition that aims to develop digital solutions for businesses, individuals, and institutions impacted by the pandemic.

On behalf of the AIM community, congratulations to TEAM SYMLIFY for your well-deserved victory! We are very proud of you!

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