YouthLed engages AIM on Bridging Leadership

July 01, 2021
The U.S. Agency for International Development and The Asia Foundation have chosen the Asian Institute of Management as one of the core academic partners for the Youth Leadership for Democracy

YouthLed engages AIM on Bridging Leadership

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and The Asia Foundation have chosen the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) as one of the core academic partners for the Youth Leadership for Democracy (YouthLed) — a pioneering nationwide active citizenship program for the Filipino youth.

Through this partnership, the AIM Team Energy Center for Bridging Leadership (AIMTEC-BL) will deliver the Future Bridging Leaders Program (FBLP) as an integral part of YouthLed’s Leadership and Democracy (LEAD) Fellowship. The FBLP is AIM’s response for a leadership development program that provides an opportunity for the Filipino youth to enhance their leadership capabilities, and spark meaningful innovations in their respective communities.

Last June 8, the AIM TEC-BL held an opening session via Zoom to welcome the FBLP 4th cohort (FBLP 4). Out of over 300 applications, thirty (30) LEAD fellows from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao were selected to become part of the FBLP 4, which will be conducted for two (2) fellow batches. Each of them will work on diverse projects that seek to generate positive change in different sectors such as education, environment, Indigenous Peoples (IP), agriculture, and women, among others.

As part of the LEAD Fellowship, the FBLP will focus on enhancing the capacity of the Filipino youth in co-creating innovations for participatory governance processes that will allow the greater amplification of youth voice into action in their development as Bridging Leaders.
During the opening session, Ms. Maria Teresa Lopez, Vice President of TeaM Energy Foundation, Inc., officially welcomed the fellows, followed by an introductory leadership session by Prof. Nieves Confesor. FBLP Program Director and Center Executive Director Prof. Manuel De Vera closed the session by encouraging the fellows to persevere throughout the program as it is “a process of merging the technical and the social dimensions” of the Fellows’ deep dive in developing their leadership skills.

Along with the AIMTEC-BL, distinguished academic institutions and organizations such as the Ateneo School of Government (ASoG), Ayala Foundation Inc., Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP), and the Makati Business Club will also deliver learning sessions and mentorship for the LEAD fellowship.

To learn more about AIM’s Team Energy Center for Bridging Leadership, click here

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