Two-Part Webinar Series on COVID-19 from a Complex Systems Perspective

May 14, 2020
Due to popular demand, SEELL brings back the two-part complimentary webinar series recently conducted by Christopher P. Monterola, PhD, "Why Flattening the Curve is Not Enough?"
Two-Part Webinar Series

Two-Part Webinar Series on COVID-19 from a Complex Systems Perspective
Part I: Why Flattening the Curve is Not Enough?
15 May 2020, 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM

Due to popular demand, SEELL brings back the two-part complimentary webinar series recently conducted by Christopher P. Monterola, PhD, "Why Flattening the Curve is Not Enough?" From his scientific research and statistical modelling development work, he has culled the key points to share with the SEELL Community which can help inform scenario planning for the new normal. The sessions will be moderated by Professor Erika Legara, PhD.

This first part in the series features Professor Monterola as he shares some perspectives on the news and current trends surrounding COVID-19. He will also take a look into the different scenarios that could play out post-lockdown.

Pre-registration is required. Sign-up now at

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