
  • Strategy, Corporate Governance, and International Business

Research Interests

  • Corporate Governance, Employee-Owned Companies, Senior Management Teams, And Decision-Making Processes
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Olivier P. Roche, PhD

Associate Professor
Head, Stephen Zuellig Graduate School of Development Management
C.V. Starr Chair in Corporate Governance

Academic Background

  • PhD in Strategy, McGill University Montreal, QC, Canada
  • Master in Common Law Studies, Georgetown University Washington DC
  • Master of Business Administration, University of North Texas Denton, Texas
  • Bachelor in Civil Law & International Law, University of Paris, France

Professional and Academic Experience

  • Dean of the School of Business and Economics, Westminster International University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Associate Dean, Salisbury University, USA
  • Director of Global Programs, Salisbury University, USA
  • Professor of Management, Salisbury University, USA
  • Director of International Business & Global Programs, Salisbury University, USA
  • Assistant-Associate Professor, Salisbury University, USA
  • Associate Academic Director, McGill University, Canada
  • Director/Head of Regional Research (Energy), ABN AMRO Asia Limited, Hong Kong
  • Director/Equity Research, Schroders Asia Limited, Hong Kong
  • Investment Officer, World Bank- International Finance Corporation, Washington DC
  • Assistant to Vice-President of Finance, Pechiney Corporation, Greenwich, CT

Affiliations, Awards, and Honors

  • Fulbright Scholar: Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus 
  • Admitted to the New York Bar: Counselor-at-law, Appellate Division, Third Judicial Department


  • Wahab, S.N., Tan, A., & Roche, O. P. (2024). Identifying supply chain manager leadership skills and competencies gaps in Malaysia. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning.
  • Siebold, N., Oelrich, S. & Roche, O. P. (2023). “I Am Your Partner, Am I Not?” An inquiry into stakeholder inclusion in platform organizations in times of crisis. Journal of Business Research, 160, 113776.
  • Wahab, S., Tan, A., & Roche, O. P. (2023). Comparison of cross-border reverse logistics of a fast fashion brand in China. Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 16(1), 25-35.
  • Roche, O. P., Freundlich, F., Shipper, F. & Manz, C. (2018). Mondragon’s amorphous network structure: Making the whole truly greater than the sum of its parts. Organizational Dynamics, 47(3), 155-164.


  • Calo, T. J., Roche, O. P., & Shipper, F. (2014). TEOCO (The Employee Owned Company): Principled entrepreneurship and shared leadership. In F. Shipper (Ed), Shared entrepreneurship: A path to engaged employee ownership (pp. 179-208). USA: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Roche, O. P., Hoffman, R., & Brown, M. (2014). Shared governance: Structure and processes. In F. Shipper (Ed.), Shared entrepreneurship: A path to engaged employee ownership (pp. 43-56). USA: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Roche, O. P. (2009). Corporate governance & organization life cycle: The changing role and composition of the board of directors. USA: Cambria Press.
  • Roche, O. P. (2009). The corporatization of the Chinese oil and petrochemical industries: Evolution without revolution. In I. Alon, J. Chang, M. Fetscherin, C. Lattemann, & J. McIntyre (Eds.), China Rules: Globalization and Political Transformation (pp. 101-131). United Kingdom: Palgrave MacMillan.


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