AIM Students Win Grand Prize in Vista 2022 International Sustainability Challenge Hosted by The Indian Institute Of Management Bangalore

August 16, 2022
Congratulations to AIM Team ABS Circular members Allan Apelo (MSIB 2021), Jacob Barbosa (MBA 2022B), and Suzanne Sevilla (EMBA 2023) for winning the VISTA 2022 International Sustainability Challenge held virtually last Sunday, August 7, 2022 by the Indian

Congratulations to AIM Team ABS Circular for winning the VISTA 2022 International Sustainability Challenge.Congratulations to AIM Team ABS Circular members Allan Apelo (MSIB 2021), Jacob Barbosa (MBA 2022B), and Suzanne Sevilla (EMBA 2023) for winning the VISTA 2022 International Sustainability Challenge held virtually last Sunday, August 7, 2022 by the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB) (

The Challenge was part of IIMB’s 22nd VISTA International Business Summit which features India’s academic and corporate communities.  The unique business summit focuses on how ready businesses of today are for present and future business issues.  In the multi-stage Challenge, participants draw on their analytical wit and business acumen to solve real-world problems for an enterprise while facing intense pressure. The Challenge is the first global competition hosted by an Indian business school; this year’s competition witnessed 3,100 teams of two to three students from both local and international partner universities battle it out for the Best Business Strategist award.

 “Passionate in Sustainability, our team members pushed each other to deliver the optimal solution to the challenge provided. Equipped with our unique perspectives and learnings from AIM, it was our synergistic mindset that helped us make a difference until the completion of the Challenge.” Suzanne Sevilla (EMBA 2023)

“I always believed that diversity can create wonderful synergies. True enough, the three of us were able to achieve much more through shared knowledge and values. Although we came from different programs, we carry the same AIM spirit of enlightening more business leaders to engage all stakeholders with empathy, systems thinking, and sustainability.” Jacob Barbosa (MBA 2022B)

“Working with two brilliant minds from programs different from mine — the MBA and EMBA — has been a wonderful learning experience. Through our different program and industry backgrounds, we were able to effectively brainstorm ideas from diverse perspectives. I also learned that working on the business case reaffirms the need to empathize with different stakeholders—something that was constantly emphasized during our AIM classes.”  Allan Apelo (MSIB 2021)

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