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Jose Maria L. Marella, JD

Adjunct Faculty

Academic Background

  • Master of Laws, Yale Law School
  • Juris Doctor, University of the Philippines, College of Law
  • Bachelor of Science, University of the Philippines, School of Economics [summa cum laude]

Professional and Academic Experience

  • Legal Associate, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
  • Judicial Law Clerk, Supreme Court of the Philippines
  • Legal & Economic Adviser, Philippine Competition Commission

Affiliations, Awards, and Honors

  • Best Juris Doctor Thesis [University of the Philippines, College of Law]
  • Best Paper in Corporate Governance [University of the Philippines, College of Law]
  • Best Paper in Administrative Law [University of the Philippines, College of Law]
  • Student Editor, Philippine Law Journal
  • Delivered the Valedictory Address, 2014 University of the Philippines Commencement Exercises
  • Phi Kappa Phi International Honors Society
  • Pi Gamma Mu International Honors Society
  • Member, Integrated Bar of the Philippines – Batangas Chapter

Professional Certification

  • Philippine Bar Membership

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