Dr. Stephen Zuellig Center for Asian Business Transformation

Promoting ethical businesses in the health sector

The AIM-Dr. Stephen Zuellig Center for Asian Business Transformation (ZCABT) promotes business transformation in the Asian region with an initial focus on rethinking and reshaping health issues.


To be a leading Center of Excellence in accelerating the growth of sustainable, globally competitive small and growing enterprises (SGEs) in Asia.


The AIM-Dr. Stephen Zuellig Center for Business Transformation aims to accelerate the growth of Asian small and growing enterprises (SGEs) into sustainable, globally competitive enterprises through business transformation in industries creating the greatest value for all segments of society. 

To accomplish its mission, the Zuellig Center will:

  • establish a value-adding network of strategic partnerships across Asia (i.e. business schools, corporations, industry associations, foundations, government organizations, NGOs, etc.);
  • develop new teaching cases and complete Case Books on Business Transformation of SGEs for AIM’s degree and executive programs;
  • design, test, and disseminate new Transformational Leadership Programs for SGEs; and
  • recognize outstanding sustainable, globally competitive SGEs in Asia.


Health System Strengthening 

The World Health Organization, in its efforts to clarify and reinforce the health system strengthening agenda, produced the Framework of Action with six building blocks to clearly define the health system and its components. 

The six building blocks of (1) service delivery, (2) health workforce, (3) health information systems, (4) access to essential medicines, (5) financing, and (6) leadership/governance are considered as vital functions of a health system that can be used by health workers and policy-makers as a basis in planning and setting priorities. Each of the building blocks functions differently in health systems strengthening. 

Leadership and governance, together with the health information systems, are identified as cross-cutting components which when regulated or controlled, affects other health system blocks; financing and health workforce are considered as key input components; and access to essential medicines and service delivery are the immediate outputs of the health system.

To become a platform for Public-Private Partnerships in reinforcing the health care system, the Zuellig Center adheres to the WHO framework and has placed emphasis on each of the building blocks in the crafting and implementation of its research and activities.

Innovations in Health, Science and Technology

With the advent of technological advancements, the Center aims to continue exploring new areas of collaboration in leading technologies and scientific breakthroughs, and in addressing regional and global health challenges. The Center is also committed to promoting innovations in health, science, and technology by bringing together these various sectors to convene, discuss, and establish mutual partnerships and networks.

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