2nd Dev Forum: Preparing for a Disaster-ready Asia

November 09, 2018
AIM’s Stephen Zuellig Graduate School of Development Management, in partnership with the Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable Transformation will be hosting the 2nd Dev Forum: Disaster Risk and Crisis Management 2018.

2nd Dev Forum

Following up on their efforts to strengthen resilience of Asian communities and organizations to disasters, the Asian Institute of Management’s (AIM) Stephen Zuellig Graduate School of Development Management (ZSDM), in partnership with the Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable Transformation (ASSIST) will be hosting the 2nd Dev Forum: Disaster Risk and Crisis Management 2018. This will take place at the Fuller Hall, AIM Campus on Wednesday, November 28, 2018, from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

It will feature some of Asia’s leaders in business and society, including Mara Warwick, Country Director of the World Bank, Robin Bradshaw, Philippine Country Manager of Cathay Pacific, Ambassador Laura Quiambao-Del Rosario, Distinguished Fellow of AIM, and more. 

During the forum, the speakers will share their thoughts and discuss three key topics: 1) developing organizational resilience and enhancing business continuity, 2) managing effective crisis communication, and 3) understanding the challenges and opportunities in community assistance and protection. A report published by AIM titled, “Asia’s Resilience to Climate Disasters” written by Visiting Professor Vinod Thomas, former Director General of the Independent Evaluation at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) will also be discussed during the forum.

ZSDM School Head Dr. Kenneth Hartigan-Go, says, “Southeast Asian communities need to be disaster ready and resilient. We can only do this through education, raising awareness and capacity development, and may this forum lead to it. We need to be ready and able to protect the populace and cater to their needs when these events happen to our communities,” he adds. 

ASSIST’s Managing Director Sreenivas Narayanan says, “In this world with growing threat of disasters, partnering for resilience and development should be one organization's top priority. A resilient world is only possible by working together on a shared vision.” 

AIM is an international management school that offers various degree programs, executive education programs, and development education programs. Meanwhile, ASSIST is an international development organization geared towards capacity building.

The 2nd Dev Forum is open to executives from international multilateral agencies, civil society organizations, businesses, government institutions, media, the academe, and to everyone who is an advocate of this cause. 

For registration and other inquiries, please contact the event Secretariat:

DJ Quiros
Program Associate, AIM-ZSDM
(+63) 892 4011 local 1837

Patricia Allhen Marie Catu
Events Management Associate, ASSIST
(+63) 403 8668

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