Developing the Next Wave of Asian Business Leaders

Washington SyCip Graduate School of Business

The end of World War II may have left the Philippines a devastated republic but it also brought new opportunities for local business and industry. With many schools still rebuilding, there was a great need for a graduate business program that would train the growing number of young entrepreneurs and professionals in the country.

It was against this backdrop that SGV Group Founder, Washington SyCip and other businessmen brought together top educational and business organizations to design and establish a full-time MBA program that would meet the demands of a developing and integrating Asian region. This idea eventually evolved into what we now know as the Asian Institute of Management.

For almost 50 years, AIM’s Washington SyCip Graduate School of Business has been the training ground for the leaders and managers of Asia’s emerging markets. Since 1968, some 5,000 graduates from 52 countries have used their AIM MBA as their passport to exciting, rewarding, and fulfilling careers.

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