Find Your Alumni Chapter

The Federation of AIM Alumni Associations, Inc, (FAIM) is the umbrella organization encompassing all AIM Alumni Associations around the world. As an apex organization, FAIM promotes solidarity and camaraderie among its culturally diverse and diffused constituents through its common goal of supporting AIM and the alumni community. In recognition of FAIM’s strategic role, in 2006 the AIM Board of Trustees set aside one of its 15 board seats for the FAIM Chairman to serve as a full voting member.

Message from the FAIM Chairman

This 2018, FAIM will celebrate its 40th year of fostering camaraderie and networking among AIM alumni. Founded in 1978 by then AAAIM Philippines Chairman Jose Maria J. Fernandez, MBM 1973, FAIM has blossomed with the increase of country chapters around the world.

There are currently 30 active AIM alumni city chapters across 14 countries: Bangladesh, Canada (Toronto), China (Beijing, Shanghai, Kunming), Hong Kong, Taiwan, India (Mumbai, New Delhi, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bangalore), Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur, Sabah), Philippines (Manila, Baguio, Pampanga, Cebu, Davao), Singapore, Thailand, the United States of America (West Coast, East Coast), and Vietnam (Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh). There are also evolving alumni groups in Australia (Sydney), Nepal, the United Arab Emirates (Dubai), United Kingdom (London), Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Brunei.

As graduates of our prestigious Institute, it is crucial that we stay connected with and relevant to our beloved school and continue to promote the AIM brand. FAIM continues to encourage the establishment of more international AIM alumni chapters in countries where there are enough graduates to make this activity meaningful and sustainable.

FAIM continuously promotes the AIM brand through the recognition of outstanding alumni during the annual AIM Alumni Achievement Awards (Triple A Awards). FAIM also supports thought leadership and networking events, such as the Asian Business Conference, while periodic AIM alumni tours have led to the establishment of new alumni chapters in the region. FAIM activities promote AIM offerings, update alumni contacts in their areas, recruit new students, help place recent graduates and advance their careers, encourage fellow alumni to provide professional advice for the Institute, and support AIM’s fundraising campaigns for scholarships, facility improvements, faculty development, and research.

AIM will also enter a new era in 2018 as it celebrates its 50th anniversary. The alumni community is committed to restoring AIM’s standing as one of the business schools of choice in Asia. With greater involvement from its international constituents, FAIM is taking on a more dynamic role in charting a new path for the Institute.

FAIM believes in the benefits of greater alumni involvement in school affairs. Now is the time for AIM alumni to make their leadership felt within the entire AIM community, consistent with the Institute’s mission of making a difference in Asian societies.

Dani Firmansjah

MM 1994


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