Asian Institute of Management and Italian Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines Inc. MOU Signing

August 31, 2022

Asian Institute of Management and Italian Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines Inc. MOU Signing

On August 23, the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) and the Italian Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines (ICCPI) signed a Memorandum of Agreement to mutually support each other’s initiatives, create opportunities for collaboration, discuss projects for development, and explore learning events for their members and affiliates utilizing AIM’s Zuellig School of Development Management.

ICCPI Executive Director Lorens Ziller shared that, “
The Data shows how much growth is flowing towards the provinces.  We are partnered with local chambers in the Philippines to expand our reach.  It is important for the provinces to get in touch with national and international institutions and companies to create opportunities.  Through the regional development conference they can develop connections and the network that will be beneficial for AIM where AIM can reach out to local partners.”


In response, AIM President and Dean Jikyeong Kang, PhD said,  “We are excited to be deepening our partnership with the Italian Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines in identifying specific problems to be solved in matters of common interest through joint year-long projects, in broadening each other's reach through ICCPI and AIM's vibrant network and in working towards a common goal of strengthening business communities in multiple sectors across the country and the South-East Asian region.  By leaning in on each other's strengths, this collaboration and strategic partnership enables AIM to continually innovate for inclusive and sustainable growth.  Likewise, AIM is able to support ICCPI in its mission to promote culture and create employment in The Philippines through commendable initiatives like their Regional Business Conference Series among others.”


The agreement cements the partnership between two dynamic institutions that seek to increase opportunities and invigorate enterprise in the region. Read more at Manila Times.

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