Aboitiz School of Innovation,
Technology, And Entrepreneurship


Why Obtain a Degree from the Aboitiz School of Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (ASITE)?

The Aboitiz School of Innovation, Technology, & Entrepreneurship (ASITE) is home to four pioneering master’s programs, a PhD program, and a dual degree undergraduate program that is the first of its kind in the country. The campus also houses the industry-facing Analytics, Computing, and Complex Systems Laboratory (ACCeSs@AIM), strategically positioned right at the intersection of technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

We develop future-ready leaders who thrive in uncertainty and enable them to execute plans that push Industry 4.0 forward confidently. By co-locating innovators, data scientists, and entrepreneurs, we act as a catalyst for generating impact, powering innovation, and creating value for society across industries, especially within Asia.

Choose the program that will best equip you to transform into a future-ready leader. Together, let us lead the charge for a data-driven and innovative world.



Master in Innovation and Business (MIB)

Transform ideas into thriving businesses, identify trends, and lead through innovation. Uncover the world of Insight, Ideation, and Implementation and become a change leader for start-ups and organizations.

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Master in Entrepreneurship (ME)

Grow your business as you learn by doing with the ME program. Experience a practical approach to balancing and aligning your ventures for maximum impact.

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Master of Science in Data Science (MSDS)

Master data science with our MSDS program. Crafted by top scientists and practitioners, it equips you with cutting-edge data science techniques, allowing you to apply data-driven solutions to real-world challenges.


Master in Data Analytics (MDA)

Harness analytics for strategic decision-making and innovation with the MDA program. Extract actionable insights from diverse data types using advanced techniques such as machine learning and data visualization, and effectively communicate data findings to drive organizational change.

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PhD in Data Science (PhD in DS)

Students will become pioneers in advanced research, benefitting from the global demand for leaders proficient in cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, deep learning, network science, and computer vision.


Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Business Administration – Bachelor of Business Administration Major in Management Information Systems (BSDSBA & BBA, MIS)

The BSDSBA & BBA, MIS program is a double degree program of the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) in collaboration with University of Houston (UH) C.T. Bauer College of Business (Bauer). Students will learn how to master current technologies, excel in application development, and assume leadership roles in business analysis, project management, and professional consultation.

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The Analytics, Computing, and Complex Systems Laboratory (ACCeSs@AIM) is the Asian Institute of Management’s (AIM) very own facility that leads and promotes the use of complex systems science, data science, artificial intelligence, and computational models to help industries, government agencies, and other sectors innovate.

ACCeSs@AIM is home to one of the region’s fastest AI supercomputers with a top speed of 1.2 petaFLOPS. Named ‘Super Jojie,’ it has been working non-stop, supporting graduate students’ capstone projects with industry partners, thesis dissertations, and Data Science and AI research collaborations with various stakeholders. 

Anish Pati

“I chose AIM for its reputation, extensive network, and value, fulfilling my desire to study abroad.”

Anish Pati

Master of Science in Data Science, 2024