Aaron J. Kingsbury, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Geospatial science, geography
Cultural and environmental geographies; climate change, indigenous knowledge, gender, and sustainability in agriculture; geospatial technologies; low altitude remote sensing using UAS/drones and kites
Aaron J. Kingsbury, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
- PhD in Geography, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, HI
- Master of Science in International Ecological Agriculture, University of Kassel, Germany
- Master of Arts in Geography, Simon Fraser University, Canada
- Bachelor of Arts in German Literature and the Liberal Arts, The George Washington University, DC
- Associate Professor of Arts and Sciences, Maine Maritime Academy, ME
- Assistant Professor of Arts and Sciences, Maine Maritime Academy, ME
- Affiliated Researcher, Agriculture and Forestry Research & Development Centre for Mountainous Regions (ADC), Vietnam
- Affiliated Lecturer, Advanced Education Program in Environmental Science, Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam
- Assistant Professor of Geography, Mayville State University, ND
- Graduate Degree Fellow, East-West Center, HI
- 2017 ASIANetwork Teddy Amoloza Award
- 2016 National Council for Geographic Education Best Lesson Plan of the Year
- 2015 Mayville State University “Teacher of the Year”
- Cahyanto, I., Kingsbury, A. J., Widodo, E., Puspita, N. Y., & Harnadi, A. (2021). Coping as a community: Recovery experiences of a tourism‐reliant area following a tsunami in Indonesia. International Journal of Tourism Research. doi:10.1002/jtr.2454
- Kingsbury, A., Cahyanto, I., Widodo, E., Puspita, N., & Harnadi, A. (2021). Adapting photovoice with ESRI Survey123 for tourism disaster research in Banten, Indonesia. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(15), 2187-2203. doi:10.1080/13683500.2020.1806795
- Ho, S., Kingsbury, A., & Ha, H. (2021). Indigenous knowledge and the enhancement of community resilience to climate change in the Northern Mountainous Region of Vietnam. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 45(4), 499-522. doi:10.1080/21683565.2020.1829777
- Nguyen, D. D., Le, T. M., & Kingsbury, A. J. (2020). Farmer participation in the lychee value chain in Bac Giang province, Vietnam. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, 10(2), 203-216. doi:10.1108/jadee-05-2019-0076
- Ho, S, & Kingsbury, A. (2020). Community adaptation and climate change in the Northern Mountainous Region of Vietnam: A case study of ethnic minority people in Bac Kan Province. Asian Geographer, 37(1), 33-51. doi:10.1080/10225706.2019.1701507