Prof. Chris Monterola White

Christopher P. Monterola, PhD

Aboitiz Chair in Data Science
Head, Aboitiz School of Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship
Executive Managing Director, ACCeSs@AIM Academician, NAST


Complexity Science, Neural Networks, Computational and Statistical Physics, Social Networks, Biological Physics, Predictive Analytics, Project Management, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Forecasting


Complex systems, Neural networks, Network science, Computational and statistical physics

Christopher P. Monterola, PhD

Aboitiz Chair in Data Science
Head, Aboitiz School of Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship
Executive Managing Director, ACCeSs@AIM Academician, NAST


  • Ph.D. in Physics, (Most Outstanding PhD Student (College of Science), Edgardo Gomez Award for Excellence in Dissertation Research, Batch Valedictorian), University of the Philippines Diliman
  • Master of Science in Physics, (Most outstanding MS student (College of Science), Batch Valedictorian), University of the Philippines Diliman
  • Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics, (Magna cum Laude, Dean’s medallion, Best Thesis), University of the Philippines Diliman


  • Senior Scientist and Capability Group Manager (CGM) of the Complex Systems (CxSy) Capability Group, Computing Science Department, Institute of High Performance Computing, A*STAR, Singapore (founding CGM, August 2013-present)
  • Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Complexity Institute, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. (October 2015-present)
  • Principal Investigator, Complex Systems Programme, A*STAR Urban Systems Initiative (2012-present)


  • 2020 Academician by the National Academy of Science and Technology 
  • 2016, Country Prize Winner (Singapore), United Nation Global Pulse’s The Big IDEAS Competition for Sustainable Cities and Urban Communities, June 2016. EF Legara, C Monterola, JF Valenzuela.
  • 2016, SMRT Most Innovative Solution Award, IHPC (from CxSy MA Ramli, V Jayaraman, G Lee, C Monterola), SMRT Vendors’; Day, 30 March 2016.
  • 2014, ICCS Best Workshop Paper. N Othman, EF Legara, V Selvam, C Monterola, “Simulating Congestion Dynamics of Train Rapid Transit using Smart Card Data,” International Conference on Computational Science, Cairns, Australia, 9-12 June 2014.
  • 2013, IEEE SCALE Challenge. First Prize Winner. H Kasim, T Hung, EF Legara, C Monterola, G Lee, X Li, BS Lee, S Lu, L Wang, and V Jayaraman, “Scalable Complex System Modeling for Sustainable City,” Sixth IEEE International Scalable Computing Challenge (SCALE 2013), Delft, Netherlands, 14-16 May 2013.
  • 2009-present, Conferred the scientist rank 1 by the University of the Philippines System
  • 2008-2012, University of the Philippines Centennial Professorial Chair


  • Dorosan, M., Dailisan, D., Valenzuela, J.F., & Monterola, C. P. (2024). Use of machine learning in understanding transport dynamics of land use and public transportation in a developing city. Cities, 114, 104587.
  • Liponhay, M. P., Valerio, A. V., & Monterola, C. P. (2024). Time-delayed causal network analysis of meteorological variables and air pollutants in Baguio City. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 15(6), 102095.
  • Liponhay M, Valerio, A, Fornan, G, Alis, C, & Monterola, C. P. (2024). Dynamic assessment of urban carrying capacity load number using the enhanced UCCLN Model. Sustainability, 16(1):35.
  • Liponhay M, Valenzuela, J.F., Dorosan, M, Dailisan, D, & Monterola, C. P. (2023). A dynamic urban mobility index from clustering of vehicle speeds in a tourist-heavy city. Applied Sciences, 13(23):12763.
  • Ibañez, S.C., & Monterola, C.P. (2023). A global forecasting approach to large-scale crop production prediction with time series transformers. Agriculture, 13, 1855.
  • Javier, P. J. E. A., Liponhay, M. P., Dajac, C. V. G., & Monterola, C. P. (2022). Causal network inference in a dam system and its implications on feature selection for machine learning forecasting. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 604,
  • Tan, H. E., Hong, W. O., Othman, N. B., Legara, E. F., Monterola, C. P., & Ramli, M. A. (2022). Quantifying the resilience of rapid transit systems: A composite index using a demand-weighted complex network model. Plos One, 17(4), e0267222.
  • Dailisan, D., Liponhay, M., Alis, C. M., & Monterola, C. P. (2022). Amenity counts significantly improve water consumption predictions. PLoS ONE, 17(3), e0265771.
  • Valenzuela, J. F., Legara, E.F., & Monterola, C. P. (2022). Typology, network features and damage response in worldwide urban road systems. PLoS ONE, 17(3), e0264546.
  • Ibañez, S. C., Dajac, C. V. G., Liponhay, M. P., Legara, E. F. T., Esteban, J. M. H., & Monterola, C. P. (2022). Forecasting reservoir water levels using deep neural networks: A case study of Angat Dam in the Philippines. Water, 14(1), 34.
  • Alis, C., Legara, E.F., & Monterola, C. P. (2021). Generalized radiation model for human migration. Scientific Reports, 11, 22707.
  • Goswami, K., Giarmatzi, C., Monterola, C. P., Shrapnel, S., Romero, J., & Costa, F. (2021). Experimental characterization of a non-Markovian quantum process. Physical Review A, 102(2),
  • Yang, B., Ren, S., Legara, E. F., Li, Z., Ong, E. Y. X., Lin, L., & Monterola, C. P. (2020). Phase transition in taxi dynamics and impact of ridesharing. Transportation Science, 54(1), 1-297.
  • Zhong, X., Lu, Y., Gao, Q., Nyunt, M. S. Z., Fulop, T., Monterola, C. P., Tong, J. C., Larbi, A., & Ng, T. P. (2020). Estimating biological age in the Singapore longitudinal aging study. Journals of Gerontology: Series A, 75(10), 1913-1920.
  • Legara, E. F., & Monterola, C. P. (2018). Inferring passenger types from commuter eigentravel matrices. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 6(3), 230-250.
  • Valenzuela, J. F., Monterola, C. P., Tong, V. J. C., Ng, T. P., & Larbi, A. (2017). Health and disease phenotyping in old age using a cluster network analysis. Scientific Reports, 7, 15608.
  • Yang, B., & Monterola, C. P. (2016). Efficient intersection control for minimally guided vehicles: A self-organised and decentralised approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,72, 283-305.
  • Hu, N., Legara, E. F., Lee, K. K., Hung, G. G., & Monterola, C. P. (2016). Impacts of land use and amenities on public transport use, urban planning and design. Land Use Policy, 57, 356-367.
  • Yang, B., & Monterola, C. P. (2015). Classification and unification of the microscopic deterministic traffic models. Physical Review E, 92(4), 042802.
  • Narang, V., Ramli, M. A., Singhal, A., Kumar, P., de Libero, G., Poidinger, M., & Monterola, C. P. (2015). Automated identification of core regulatory genes in human gene regulatory networks. PLoS Computational Biology
  • Decraene, J., Monterola, C. P., Lee, G. K., Hung, T. G., & Batty, M. (2013). The emergence of urban land use patterns driven by dispersion and aggregation mechanisms. PLOS ONE, 8(12), e80309.
  • Legara, E. F., Monterola, C. P., & David, C. (2013). Complex network tools in building expert systems that perform framing analysis. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(11), 4600-4608.
  • David, C. C., Atun, J. M., Legara, E. F. & Monterola, C. P. (2011). Finding frames: Comparing two methods of frame analysis. Communication Methods and Measures, 5(4), 329-351.
  • Juanico, D. E., Longjas, A., Batac, R., & Monterola, C. P. (2008). Avalanche statistics of driven granular slides in a miniature mound. Geophysical Research Letters, 35(19), L19403.
  • Monterola, C. P., & Saloma, C. (2002). Noise-driven manifestation of learning in mature neural networks. Physical Review Letters, 89(18), 188102.
  • Quito, M., Monterola, C. P., & Saloma, C. (2001). Solving N-body problems with neural networks. Physical Review Letters, 86(21), 4741.
  • Monterola, C. P., & Saloma, C. (1998). Characterizing the dynamics of constrained physical systems with an unsupervised neural network. Physical Review E, 57(2), R1247(R).