Erika Fille T. Legara, PhD (On Leave)
(On Leave)
Associate Professor
Aboitiz Chair in Data Science
Complex systems research: Urban Complexity, Computational and Statistical Physics, Agent-Based Modeling and Simulations, Predictive Analytics, and Complex Network analysis, Data science and visualization, Research problem scoping, Research and project supervision, Workshop organization
Complex Systems Modeling and Optimization, Data Science, Computational Social Science, Urban Complexity Research, Econophysics
Erika Fille T. Legara, PhD (On Leave)
Associate Professor
Aboitiz Chair in Data Science
- Doctor of Philosophy in Physics, University of the Philippines
- Master of Science in Physics, University of the Philippines
- Bachelor of Science in Physics, University of the Philippines
- Scientist III, Institute of High Performance Computing, Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC), A*STAR
- Scientist II, Institute of High Performance Computing, SERC, A*STAR
- Scientist I, Institute of High Performance Computing, SERC, A*STAR
- Research Fellow, Singapore Immunology Network, BMSI, A*STAR
- Assistant Professor at the National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman
- College Instructor at the National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines Diliman
- 2023 Most Outstanding Scientist and Researcher by The Asian Scientist 100 of the Asian Scientist Magazine
- 2020 Outstanding Young Scientist Awardee by the National Academy of Science and Technology
- 2019 Generation T List, Asia Tatler
- 2018 The Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) by Junior Chamber International
- 2016 UN Big IDEAS Competition for sustainable cities and urban
- development organized by the UN (Country Prize, team)
- 2013 IEEE SCALE Challenge. First Prize Winner (team)
- Edgardo Gomez Awardee for Excellence in Dissertation Research, U.P Diliman (UPD) College of Science
- Most Outstanding PhD Graduate, UPD College of Science
- PhD Physics Most Outstanding Student, National Institute of Physics
- Delegate to the 3rd HOPE Meeting in Tokyo, Japan for the Promotion of Science in Asia
- Santa Fe Institute – Complex Systems Summer School Scholar
- 2nd Runner-Up, Scientific Poster Exhibition, 76th Annual Meeting of the National Research Council of the Philippines
- 1st Runner-Up, Scientific Poster Exhibition, 75th Annual Meeting of the National Research Council of the Philippines
- DOST PCASTRD Scholarship
- Cum Laude, B.S. in Physics
- Tan, H. E., Hong, W. O. J., Othman, N. B., Legara, E. F., Monterola, C. P., & Ramli, M. A. (2022). Quantifying the resilience of rapid transit systems: A composite index using a demand-weighted complex network model. PLoS ONE,17(4): e0267222.
- Valenzuela, J. F., Legara, E. F., & Monterola, C. P. (2022). Typology, network features and damage response in worldwide urban road systems. PLoS ONE, 17(3), e0264546.
- Ibañez, S. C., Dajac, C. V. G., Liponhay, M. P., Legara, E. F., Esteban, J. M. H., & Monterola, C. P. (2022). Forecasting reservoir water levels using deep neural networks: A case study of Angat Dam in the Philippines. Water, 14(1), 34.
- Alis, C. M., Legara, E. F., & Monterola, C. P. (2021). Generalized radiation model for human migration. Nature Scientific Reports, 11, 22707.
- Pang, R. K., Granados, O., Chhajer, H., & Legara, E. F. (2021). An analysis of network filtering methods to sovereign bond yields during COVID-19. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 574, 125995.
- Yang, B., Ren, S., Legara, E. F., Li, Z., Ong, E. Y. X., Lin, L., & Monterola, C. P. (2020). Phase transition intaxi dynamics and impact of ridesharing. Transportation Science, 54(1), 250-273.
- David, C. C., Monterola, S. L. C., Paguirigan Jr., A., Legara, E. F., Tarun, A. B., Batac, R. C., & Osorio, J. P. (2018). School hazard vulnerability and student learning. International Journal of Educational Research, 92, 20-29.
- Huynh, H. N., Makarov, E., Legara, E. F., Monterola, C. P., & Chewce, L. Y. (2018). Characterisation and comparison of spatial patterns in urban systems: A case study of US cities. Journal of Computational Science, 24, 34-43.
- Legara, E. F., & Monterola, C. P. (2018). Inferring passenger types from commuter eigentravel matrices. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 6(3), 230-250.
- Xu, H. Y., Kuo, S. H., Li, G., Legara, E. F., Zhao, D., & Monterola, C. P. (2016). Generalized cross entropy method for estimating joint distribution from incomplete information. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 453, 162-172.
- Othman, N. B., Legara, E. F., Selvam, V., & Monterola, C. P. (2015). A data-driven agent-based model ofcongestion and scaling dynamics of rapid transit systems. Journal of Computational Science, 10, 338-350.
- Legara, E. F., Monterola, C. P., Lee, K. K., & Hung, G. G. (2014). Critical capacity, travel time delays andtravel time distribution of rapid mass transit systems. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 406, 100-106.
- Legara, E. F., Monterola, C. P., & David, C. C. (2013). Complex Network Tools in Building Expert Systems that Perform Framing Analysis. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(11), 4600-4608.
- Legara, E. F., Monterola, C. P., & Abundo, C. (2011). Ranking of predictor variables based on effect size criterion provides an accurate means of automatically classifying opinion column articles. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 390(1), 110-119.
- Legara, E. F., Monterola, C. P., Juanico, D. E., Litong-Palima, M., & Saloma, C. (2008). Earning potential in multilevel marketing enterprises. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 387(19–20), 4889-4895.