Maria Victoria Q. Caparas, PhD
Assistant Professor
Work-Family Balance, Employee Motivation, Organizational Behavior, Leadership Competencies, Human Capital Management in the Digital Era
Leadership Effectiveness across Cultures, Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Trust, Organizational Interventions on Work-Family Balance, Women in Leadership Roles, Work Design
Maria Victoria Q. Caparas, PhD
Assistant Professor
- PhD Management, sobresaliente cum laude, University of Navarre (Spain)
- Master of Business Administration, University of London (United Kingdom)
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, summa cum laude, University of the East
- Associate Professor, University of Asia and the Pacific, 2011-2019
- Certified Public Accountant
- Reiche, B. S., Cardona, P., Lee, Y.-T., Canela, M. Á., Akinnukawe, E., Briscoe, J. P., Bullara, C., Caparas, M. V., Caprar, D. V., Charlemagne, D., Grenness, T., He, W., Jamro, K., Kainzbauer, A., Koester, K., Lazo, A., Moreno, A., Morley, M. J., Myloni, V., Nadeem, S., Nieto, M. A., Svishchev, A., Taylor, S. N., & Wilkinson, H. (2014). Why do managers engage in trustworthy behavior? A multilevel cross-cultural study in 18 countries. Personnel Psychology, 67(1), 61–98. https://doi.org/10.1111/peps.12038
- Cardona, P., Reiche, B. S., Lee, Y., Canela, M., Caparas, M. V., Akinnukawe, E., Briscoe, J. P., Bullara, C., Caprar, D. V., Charlemagne, D., Grenness, T., He, W., Jamro, K., Kainzbauer, A., Koester, K., Lazo, A., Moreno, A., Morley, M. J., Myloni, V., Nadeem, S., Nieto, M. A., Svishchev, A., Taylor, S. N., & Wilkinson, H. (2010). The effect of OCB on managerial trustworthy behavior: The roles of manager trust in subordinates and collectivism. In V. Mrowinski, M. Kyrios, & N. Voudouris (Eds.), Abstracts of the 27th International Congress of Applied Psychology (pp. 148-149). International Association of Applied Psychology & the Australian Psychological Society. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/75658/1/icap2010.pdf
- Caparas, M. V. (2013). Manager-subordinate trust relationships in the Philippines. In P. Cardona & M. J. Morley (Eds.), Manager-subordinate trust: A global perspective (pp. 254–274). Routledge.
- Caparas, M. V. (2013). Debited, credited and accounted: Bridging human behavior and accounting. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
- Caparas, M. V. (2010). Work-family policies and practices: The case of four Asian countries. In A. Masuda, N. Chinchilla, & M. Las Heras (Eds.), Balancing work and family: A practical guide to help organizations meet the global workforce challenge (pp. 139–156). HRD Press Inc.
- Caparas, M. V. (2008). Work-life Balance: Best Practices from Family-responsible Employers and Executives. Philippines: Center for Research and Communication Foundation.
- Chinchilla Albiol, M. N., & Caparas, M. V. (2000). Las teorías institucional y antropológica del liderazgo: Salvando un vacío de 40 años. In D. Melé (Ed.), Raíces éticas del liderazgo: IX Coloquio de Ética Empresarial y Económica (pp. 147–161). EUNSA.