Patricia Denise J. Lopez, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
Patricia Denise J. Lopez, PhD
Adjunct Faculty
- Ph.D. Organizational Psychology, Columbia University, Teachers College, New York
- M.A. Organizational Psychology, Columbia University, Teachers College, New York
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (summa cum laude), Ateneo de Manila University (PH)
- Associate Professor
Alliant International University, California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles, CA - Assistant Professor (May 1996-June 2000)
Asian Institute of Management, Manila, Philippines - Project Director (2000-2003)
International Survey Research, Walnut Creek, CA - Personal and Executive Coaching (2014-present)
- Facilitator, Executive Leadership Strategic Planning Retreats (2014 and 2015)
Alliant International University - Organizational and Survey Consultant (2014)
Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services
- Member, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)
- Member, International Coaching Federation (ICF)
- Member, Academy of Management
- Member, American Psychological Association (APA)
- Member, CASE Association and Eastern Academy of Management Member, LEAP (Leadership Education for Asian Pacifics, Inc.)
- Member, Society of Human Resource Management (HRM)
- Member, OD in LA, Southern California
- Associate Certified Coach, International Coaching Federation, July 2015 Coaching Tools Program (Center for Non-Profit Management/Goldvarg Consulting Group), September 2014
- Norbom, H. M. & Lopez, P.D. (2016). Leadership and innovation: Informal power and its relationship to innovative culture. Journal of Leadership Studies, 10 (1), 18-31.
- Craig, J. & Lopez, P.D. (2016). Can leaders enhance follower innovation by requiring it? Journal of Leadership Studies, 10 (1), 46-47.
- Ensari, N., Lopez, P.D. & Theil, D. (in press). Personality and leadership. In R. Riggio (Ed.) The Wiley encyclopedia of personality and individual differences.
- Duran, A. & Lopez, P.D. (2015). Women from diverse backgrounds in the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) professions: Retention and career development. In C. Hughes (Ed.). Impact of diversity on organizational and career development. IGI Global Press, pp. 214-251.
- Cottrill, K., Lopez, P.D. & Hoffman, C. (2014). How authentic leadership and inclusion benefit diverse organizations. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion: An International Journal, 33 (3), 275-292.
- Phillip, B. F. & Lopez, P.D. (2013). Psychological contracts and ethical leadership in the workplace. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 20 (3), 304-315.
- Finkelman, J. & Lopez, P.D. (2013). Global consulting in a culturally diverse world: Ethical and legal implications. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 64 (4), 307-324.
- Lopez, P. D. & Ensari, N. E. (2013). Fostering multicultural and internationally competent individuals and teams. In Lowman, R. (Ed.). Internationalizing multiculturalism. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- Lopez, P.D. & Finkelman, N. E. (2012). A distinction without a difference? Why synergies between diversity and cross-cultural psychology benefit global organizations. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 5, 353-355.
- Hee, F., Finkelman, J., Lopez, P. D., & Ensari, N. E. (2011). Reducing prejudice in organizations: The role of intergroup contact, out-group homogeneity, and in-group size. Journal of Psychological Issues in Organizational Culture, 2 (2), 39-59.
- Lopez, P.D. (2010). Five approaches to working with difference: Applying leadership lessons from Mandela, The California Psychologist, May/June issue, 23-25.
- Troper, J. & Lopez, P.D.* (2009). Empowering novice consultants: New ideas and structured approaches for consulting projects. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 6 (4), 335-352. *Troper and Lopez share primary authorship
- Lopez, P.D. (2009). Studying organizational justice theory applications in the field: A practitioner’s perspective. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2, 225-228.
- Duran, A. & Lopez, P.D. (2009). Exploring a knowledge-based approach to governance: Improving Social capital and inclusion of multicultural groups on corporate boards. The Business Journal of Hispanic Research, 3 (1), 10-35.
- Duran, A. & Lopez, P.D. (2009). Increasing chances for Hispanic selection and participation in the C-suite. The Business Journal of Hispanic Research, 3 (1), 54-76.
- Lopez, P.D. (2002). Understanding and managing groups in organizations. In G. Chan (Ed.) Managing people in Asian organizations: Text, cases, readings and exercises. 2nd Ed. (pp. 286-303). Prentice Hall, Pearson Education Asia: Singapore.
- Gavino, J.C., Quintos-Gonzales, M.V., Lopez, P.D., Roman, F. L., Santiago, M.A., Abrina, M.E. & Gonzalez, M.A. (2001). Family corporations in transition. Asian Institute of Management, AIM Press:Manila.
- Norbom, H. M. & Lopez, P.D. (2016). Leadership and innovation: Informal power and its relationship to innovative culture. Journal of Leadership Studies, 10 (1), 18-31.
- Craig, J. & Lopez, P.D. (2016). Can leaders enhance follower innovation by requiring it? Journal of Leadership Studies, 10 (1), 46-47.
- Ensari, N., Lopez, P.D. & Theil, D. (in press). Personality and leadership. In R. Riggio (Ed.) The Wiley encyclopedia of personality and individual differences.
- Duran, A. & Lopez, P.D. (2015). Women from diverse backgrounds in the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) professions: Retention and career development. In C. Hughes (Ed.). Impact of diversity on organizational and career development. IGI Global Press, pp. 214-251.
- Cottrill, K., Lopez, P.D. & Hoffman, C. (2014). How authentic leadership and inclusion benefit diverse organizations. Equality, Diversity & Inclusion: An International Journal, 33 (3), 275-292.
- Phillip, B. F. & Lopez, P.D. (2013). Psychological contracts and ethical leadership in the workplace. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 20 (3), 304-315.
- Finkelman, J. & Lopez, P.D. (2013). Global consulting in a culturally diverse world: Ethical and legal implications. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 64 (4), 307-324.
- Lopez, P. D. & Ensari, N. E. (2013). Fostering multicultural and internationally competent individuals and teams. In Lowman, R. (Ed.). Internationalizing multiculturalism. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- Lopez, P.D. & Finkelman, N. E. (2012). A distinction without a difference? Why synergies between diversity and cross-cultural psychology benefit global organizations. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 5, 353-355.
- Hee, F., Finkelman, J., Lopez, P. D., & Ensari, N. E. (2011). Reducing prejudice in organizations: The role of intergroup contact, out-group homogeneity, and in-group size. Journal of Psychological Issues in Organizational Culture, 2 (2), 39-59.
- Lopez, P.D. (2010). Five approaches to working with difference: Applying leadership lessons from Mandela, The California Psychologist, May/June issue, 23-25.
- Troper, J. & Lopez, P.D.* (2009). Empowering novice consultants: New ideas and structured approaches for consulting projects. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 6 (4), 335-352. *Troper and Lopez share primary authorship
- Lopez, P.D. (2009). Studying organizational justice theory applications in the field: A practitioner’s perspective. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2, 225-228.
- Duran, A. & Lopez, P.D. (2009). Exploring a knowledge-based approach to governance: Improving Social capital and inclusion of multicultural groups on corporate boards. The Business Journal of Hispanic Research, 3 (1), 10-35.
- Duran, A. & Lopez, P.D. (2009). Increasing chances for Hispanic selection and participation in the C-suite. The Business Journal of Hispanic Research, 3 (1), 54-76.
- Lopez, P.D. (2002). Understanding and managing groups in organizations. In G. Chan (Ed.) Managing people in Asian organizations: Text, cases, readings and exercises. 2nd Ed. (pp. 286-303). Prentice Hall, Pearson Education Asia: Singapore.
- Gavino, J.C., Quintos-Gonzales, M.V., Lopez, P.D., Roman, F. L., Santiago, M.A., Abrina, M.E. & Gonzalez, M.A. (2001). Family corporations in transition. Asian Institute of Management, AIM Press:Manila.
- Lopez, P.D. & Troper, J. (2016). Putting up your shingle: Business tips for I-O entrepreneurs. Panel presented at the Society of Industrial-Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, April 2016.
- Miller, B., Hoffman, C., Lopez, P.D. & Fiorentino, D. (2016). Examining the impact of situational judgment scoring methods. Paper presented at the Society of Industrial-Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, April 2016.
- Lopez, P.D. (2016). Engaging diverse people at work: The importance of inclusion and using strengths. Presentation at the Alliant International University I-MERIT Unity Conference, Los Angeles, CA, November, 2015.
- Lowman, R., Ferdman, B., Lopez, P.D., Takooshian, H. & Ciftci, A. (2015). Internationalizing multiculturalism: The next multicultural frontier. Symposium, 2015 National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Atlanta, GA, January 2015.
- Milam, J. & Lopez, P.D. (2014). Why workplace friendships matter: Linkages with employee engagement, job embeddedness, and job burnout. Poster presented at the Society of Industrial-Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI, May, 2014.
- Lopez, P.D., Kantor, J. & Turner, R. (2013). How I/O psychologists make a difference for individuals, organizations and communities. Symposium presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Reno, Nevada, April, 2013.
- Carlock, M., Ensari, N. E. & Lopez, P.D. (2013). The role of the SAT in perpetuating institutional racism, Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Reno, Nevada, April, 2013.
- Hosboyar, M., Ensari, N. E. & Lopez, P.D. (2013). An experimental study on flexible work arrangements and job satisfaction. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Convention, Reno, Nevada, April, 2013.
- Finkelman, J., Lopez, P.D., Nero, S., Kaipa, P. & Hernandez, C. (2012). Whose rules get followed? Ethical implications of global HRM practices. Symposium accepted at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, August, 2012.
- Lopez, P. D. & Ensari, N.(2012) Fostering multiculturally and internationally competent individuals and teams. Paper presented at the International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa, July 2012.
- Bodiya, A. & Lopez, P.D. (2012). Virtual reality: Predictors of virtual team creativity and productivity. Poster presented at the Society of Industrial-Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, San Diego, CA, April 26, 2012.
- Lopez, P.D., Ensari, N. E. & Gutierrez, E. (2011). An interview study on managers’ and diversity experts’ perceptions of multiculturalism and internationalism in organizations. Presentation at the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey, June 30-July 3, 2011.
- Lopez, P.D., Baldia, B., Selvadurai, R., Jiang, W. & Chow, K. (2010). Asians in corporate America: Breaking cultural conditioning to shed cultural stereotypes. Ask for what you want and get acknowledged for your contributions. Panel presentation at the 2010 National Asian American MBA Association 2nd Annual Leadership Conference, New York, NY, August 27, 2010.
- Sun, D & Lopez, P.D. (2010). The bamboo ceiling: Exploring the influence of acculturation, self-promotion and ingratiation tactics on Asian American career advancement. Poster presented at the 2010 Asian American Psychological Association Convention, San Diego, CA, August 11, 2010.
- Lopez, P.D., Turner, R., Finkelman, J. & Ferdman, B. M. (2010). Why psychologists should care about organizational justice: Diverse perspectives and implications for practice. Presentation at the California Psychological Association Annual Convention, April 17, 2010.
- Lopez, P.D. (2010). Rising to the top of the corporate hill: Importance of intellectual and social capital in women’s career advancement. Presentation at the 2010 Alliant Leadership Conference, Global Women and Leadership, March 11, 2010, Alliant International University, San Diego, CA.
- Lopez, P. D. (2014). Getting from college to career in organizational psychology. Presentation at University of California, Irvine, February, 2014.
- Lopez, P.D. (2013). The global and virtual workplace: Multicultural and international competencies for managers and HR practitioners. Invited presentation at the 3rd Annual Bilgi University Human Resource Conference, Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey, December, 2013.
- Lopez, P.D. (2013). Globalization and its implications for managers. Presentation at Pepperdine University, Los Angeles, October 2013.
- Lopez, P. D. (2013). Motivating people in global and diverse environments. Presentation at University of California, Irvine, May 2013.
- Lopez, P.D. (2013). I/O psychology and professional roles. Presentation at Alliant International University, Los Angeles, May 2013.
- Lopez, P. D., Pei, M. & Kelley, L. (2013). How to motivate employees during tough times. Radio show discussion at Take My Advice, I’m Not Using It (hosted by Dr. Marissa Pei), January 2013, Global Voice Broadcasting.
- Lopez, P.D. (2006). Making surveys make a difference. Presentation at the American Society for Training and Development, Los Angeles Organization Development Division, Santa Monica, CA.