The AIM Advantage: Employer Perspective

December 07, 2022
The Career Services Office (CSO), in collaboration with the academic programs team, held an in-person discussion entitled “The AIM Advantage: Employer Perspective” to understand how AIM graduates compete in the job market.




Manila, Philippines (23 November 2022) –The Career Services Office (CSO), in collaboration with the academic programs team, held an in-person discussion entitled “The AIM Advantage: Employer Perspective” to understand how AIM graduates compete in the job market. 
Associate Dean Prof. Michelle Antero, PhD welcomed the recruiting companies and potential AIM talent employers from various industries, and highlighted how the Institute is continuously adapting to the changing times, upgrading the facilities to accommodate hybrid learners, and delivering programs that adhere to the needs of businesses and societies of today. 
The workshop-type discussion was facilitated by Assistant Dean for Academic Programs Ma. Lourdes “Malou” Cura, EdD wherein 16 participating companies were divided into two groups: (1) the hired group with successful AIM talents on board, and (2) the interested-to-hire group which is actively offering career opportunities. Sharing of experiences and feedback during the breakout sessions fostered a collaboratively fun engagement despite meeting each one the first time.
Through this session, the valuable insights from participants enabled us to identify and rank the key skills and values that are expected from an AIM graduate and how they perform in the workforce after graduation. Having a strong and compelling competence continues to be the main reason that AIM talents are being sought in the talent landscape.
The official outcomes will be reported back to all stakeholders including the employers themselves, AIM students, faculty, and leadership team. The CSO, together with the academic programs team, will continue to collaborate to deliver impactful activities for students and employer partners.

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