Connecting The Dots In Your Career Building

March 10, 2023
Speaker: Shunsuke Ishimoto, MBA 2014

April KV

Event Details

Title: Connecting The Dots In Your Career Building
April 26, 2022

Speaker Details

Shunsuke Ishimoto

Shunsuke Ishimoto, MBA 2014

Designation: Chief Operating Officer
Company: Regional Fish Institute, LTD
Location: Japan

In this month's NEXUS IGNITE session, Shunsuke Ishimoto (MBA Class of 2014) will share how his AIM journey helped him thrive in his career today as the Chief Operating Officer at the Regional Fish Institute, LTD. Interested to join? Register here for FREE: This event is exclusive to AIM students and alumni.

To view the event recording, kindly see the form here.

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