Taiwan Alumni Association Welcomes AIM President and Dean

May 31, 2017

The AIM Alumni Association of Taiwan gave Dr. Jikyeong Kang, President and Dean of the Asian Institute of Management, a warm welcome at its alumni dinner on 21 May 2017. Held at the Taipei World Trade Center, the event was attended by Acer Founder and Chairman Stan Shih, who also sits on the AIM Board of Governors.

As is her wont, Jikyeong galvanized the alumni into action, drawing support for her plans to further strengthen AIM’s position as a premier academic institution in the run-up to its golden milestone in 2018.

She also spoke about raising funds for the many projects lined up to usher in AIM’s 50th anniversary. Mr. Shih, already one of AIM’s biggest supporters, signaled his approval and support of the plans by offering to sponsor AIM’s recruitment efforts targeting Taiwanese students. The alumni also shared their valuable insights.

Thanks to the organizational skills of Mr. PC Chen, president of the AIM Alumni Association of Taiwan, the attendees enjoyed the event. PC’s hosting skills will be called upon once more as Taiwan plays hosts to the semi-annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Federation of AIM Alumni Associations (FAIM) on 26 July 2017.

Congratulations to PC and the AIM Alumni Association of Taiwan for another successful event! 做得好  Well done, indeed!

Seated, from left: Jacinta Meng (MBM 85), Wenent Pan (TMP 88), Dr. Jikyeong Kang, Stan Shih, Patrick Hsiao (MM 90). Standing, from left: Wei-Han Mo (MM 91), PC Chen (MM 95), Tony Chien (MM 79), George Lai (MBM 75), Don Chen (BMP 90), Tze-Hao Chang (MM 97), James Lin (MM 83).
Seated, from left: Jacinta Meng (MBM 85), Wenent Pan (TMP 88), Dr. Jikyeong Kang, Stan Shih, Patrick Hsiao (MM 90). Standing, from left: Wei-Han Mo (MM 91), PC Chen (MM 95), Tony Chien (MM 79), George Lai (MBM 75), Don Chen (BMP 90), Tze-Hao Chang (MM 97), James Lin (MM 83).


AIM President and Dean Dr. Jikyeong Kang with Acer Founder and Chairman Mr. Stan Shih
AIM President and Dean Dr. Jikyeong Kang with Acer Founder and Chairman Mr. Stan Shih


AIM Alumni Association of Taiwan President PC Chen with Dr. Jikyeong Kang
AIM Alumni Association of Taiwan President PC Chen with Dr. Jikyeong Kang


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