Channel Management and Retailing

To be successful in today’s highly competitive marketplace, businesses need a solid distribution strategy and appropriate channel for its products. To drive business growth, you need to develop various marketing techniques and sales strategies to reach the widest possible customer base, which can be done through excellent channel management and retailing.

The Channel Management and Retailing is a two-phase program that guides you through the various stages of channel management, retailing, and trade marketing. You will be taken through the changing landscapes of retail, customer relationship management, supply chain management, marketing planning tools, merchandising, and reallocation systems.

Program Overview

joining the program, you will be enabled to design and implement a clear and focused retail strategy that serves as a source of market differentiation and competitiveness. You will learn how to develop up-to-date strategic brand guidelines for day-to-day channel and trade decision-making, as well as design distribution plans that combine the following main areas:

  • Company Profile
  • Portfolio Structure and Management
  • Price Positioning
  • Go-to-Marketing Policy
  • Trade and Retail Marketing
  • E-Commerce
  • Shopper Marketing

You will also be exposed to several resource industry experts who can share real-life best practices in key areas of commercial operations.


Program Objectives:

At the end of the program, you will be able to:

  • Identify the most important players in the distribution channels and their corresponding roles
  • Distinguish various types of distribution channels, different conflicts that arise among them, and ways to handle these conflicts
  • Understand the current environment, structure, key players, and developments in trade marketing
  • Identify different types of retailers, retailing strategies for maintaining competitive trade advantages, and how the 4 Ps of marketing are linked with these retail strategies
  • Identify growth opportunities for retailers and determine appropriate entry strategies for different business situations
  • Understand the importance of a strategic online presence for retailers, as well as current and future trends in retailing

You will also learn the following:

  • Steps in Designing and Managing a Distribution Channel, Offline and Online
  • Distribution Channels and Roles
  • Types of Distribution Channels
  • Types of Retailers, Retailing Strategies
  • Nature, Structure, Future, and Importance of Trade Marketing
  • Digital Marketing
  • E-Commerce: Online Presence for Retailers and Future Trends in Retailing
  • Shopper Marketing

What You Will Learn:

Phase 1: Basic Channel Management and Retailing (10 half days; 2 units) 

  • MODULE A: Significance of Distribution Channels
  • Topics: Market Trends; Role and Importance of Distribution Channel; How to Design a Distribution Channel; Key Factors in Channel Management, Role of Distribution Channels in the Value Chain
  • MODULE B: Distribution Channels and Their Evolving Landscapes in the Value Chain
  • Topics: Types of Channel Arrangements; Multi-Channel and Omni Channel (Modern Trade Retail Channel, Distributive Trade Retail Channel, E-Commerce Channel); Channel Conflict, Cooperation and Competition
  • MODULE C: Trade Marketing: The Growing Importance of Channels as Partners
  • Topics: Nature of Trade Marketing; Organization Structure; Sales Planning and Sales Forecasting – Supply and Deman Strategies; Category Trade Management – Sales and Marketing Collaboration
  • MODULE D: Retailers and Retail Strategies
  • Topics: Trends in Retailing; Types of Retailers; Understanding and Growing your Consumers; Retail Strategies; Sustainable Retail Competitive Advantages
  • MODULE E: Retail Marketing Mix
  • Topics: Right Assortment; Visible Display Strategies; Appropriate Pricing Policy; Effective Promotions Management
  • Phase 2: Advanced Channel Management and Retailing (10 half days; 2 units)
  • MODULE A: Path to Purchase and Moments of Truth
  • Topics: Zero Moment of Truth; First Moment of Truth; Second Moment of Truth; Ultimate Moment of Truth 
  • MODULE B: Introduction to Shopper Marketing
  • Topics: Understanding the Shoppers; Driving Loyalty, Usage and Frequency; Increasing Penetration – trial and conversion; Tailor Fitted Programs
  • MODULE C: Special E-Commerce Section – Offline to Online
  • Topics: Establishing Online Presence; Assortment Strategy; Driving Growth – Trial and Penetration; Sustaining Program

Key Benefits:

Well-Structured Program and World-Class Faculty 
The online program offers a venue for high-impact learning with real-time, experiential, and interactive online sessions. Participants will learn the following from AIM’s world-class faculty and its network of industry leaders and practitioners. 

Improved Business Performance Through Planning and Forecasting 
The program will help you understand the concept and importance of planning your marketing, sales, and category business strategies. You will learn how to develop and create a good primary sales forecasting model, drive effective promotions and budget management processes, efficiently manage trade inventories and your SKU portfolio, and successfully execute brand activations. 

Improved Customer Loyalty and Sustainable Business Growth 
You will learn how to successfully engage and retain your customers through key account customization, as well as sustain business growth by designing and implementing excellent shopper loyalty programs 

Who Should Attend:

New and experienced sales and marketing managers, supervisors, and specialists, such as:

  • Brand Managers and Directors
  • Trade Marketing Managers
  • National Sales Managers
  • Sales Professionals with marketing responsibilities

Business owners and professionals who need solid knowledge of the fundamentals of sales and marketing management, including:

  • Startup Entrepreneurs
  • Key Account Managers handling retail accounts
  • Area or Regional Managers
  • Merchandising Buyers / Retailer Category Buyers

Live Online Sessions:
To be announced

Face-to-Face On-Campus: 
To be announced

Program Fee:
PHP: 80,990.00
USD: 1,460.68*

*The prevailing exchange rate at the date of payment may apply

Let us know if you are interested in our limited-time offer rates or in discussing payment terms.