Crisis Leadership
We live in an uncertain world, full of impending risk, crisis and resulting chaos. The threats are many and it is during these most chaotic times that people look up to and seek good leadership. As the adage goes – ‘Crisis does not build character, it reveals it’.
Program Overview
Leaders are put to the test, watched, observed and judged on how they behave, respond and lead. With the global impact of COVID-19, the Asian Institute of Management presents Crisis Leadership Module Series, a program that will empower leaders with essential tips, best practices and overlooked strategies as they plan and enact a sound Leadership guide to combat these critical times.
Program Objectives:
- To scan, analyze and quickly assess the environment in times of crisis
- To determine who are the key stakeholders involved in crisis and learn how to engage them
- To critically analyze potential strategies needed for crisis and how to operationalize them more successfully
- To review and strengthen leadership communications to gain cooperation while also being mindful of the leadership brand
What You Will Learn:
- Making Sense and Situational Assessment During a Crisis
- Crisis is volatile and uncertain. Wrong problems and situational analysis will lead to making wrong decisions. Learning SAPADAPPA will help the participant in making sense of a crisis.
- Importance of assessing fake news prevalent in the social media and debunking myths is an important tool for crisis leadership.
- The 7C’s of crisis leaders (John Quelch)
- A Leader’s North Star: Examining One’s Personal Value
- Pointers on how to exercise reflexivity when leading through a crisis
- Learning how to identify anchor points when there is a sudden loss of meaning in crisis contexts
- Learning how to identify and manage alignments and misalignments between personal and organizational values in a crisis situation
- Exercising leadership from the top vs leadership from the base ranks: How to tap into value systems and transform them into actionable points for managing a crisis
- Making your values work for the organization in crisis contexts
- Working Out Ethical Guidelines to Guide Organizational, Team and Individual Decision-Making
- Leadership is not about having the right answers, in some cases, there is a crisis and a dilemma of decision making by the leader
- What are ethical considerations when making such difficult decisions in choosing the least worst decision?
- Using collaborative governance framework, how to ensure democratization of voice and priority
- Building resiliency in the organization starts with building reliability and consistency to values
- Managing Continuity: Rapid Development, Implementation, and Appraisal of Business Continuity Plan
- Learning key elements that make BCPs tailor-fitted toorganizational needs
- Appreciating BCP as a living document, and learning how it may be cascaded, interpreted, and acted on by leaders at various levels of the organization
- Learning the limits of the BCP in novel contexts and quickly appraising when and how to improvise
- Managing Crisis Communications for Positive and Constructive Response and embracing the leadership personal brand while leveraging the same to manage and effectively respond to the current crisis
- Leadership Brand Communications
- Expectations of the leader during a crisis
- Time to reconsider key leadership traits/skills/styles?
- The What’s and How’s of creating Trust?
- Demonstrating the Leadership Brand during a crisis –
- Reputation Management
- Setting the stage for what’s to come
- Crisis Comms Plan
- Proactive strategy for a reactive/responsive plan
- Building a crisis communications plan
- Crisis Storytelling
- Leveraging Social Media
- Managing communications in a changing crisis
- Leadership Brand Communications
Key Benefits:
- Understand the complexity of a crisis and the need for leadership
- Recognize that effective leadership entails dedication, sacrifice and an examination of personal values
- Rapidly design, enforce and propagate policies under the time pressure of extreme crisis situations
- Ensure adaptability and flexibility upon actual implementation of action plans
- Apply quick risk-benefit decision-making
- Construct and roll out a 360-degree crisis communications plan that includes diverse audiences, platforms and storytelling strategies
- Understand how to be your best during the worst – leverage your brand values and leadership style to authentically connect with your audience
Who Should Attend:
This program is designed for organizational and community leaders who are spearheading crisis management initiatives within their organization and communities.
Program Days:
To be announced
Program Format:
Delivered online via live virtual interactive sessions in Zoom
Program Fees:
PHP: 25,990.00
USD: 467.53*
*The prevailing exchange rate at the date of payment may apply
Let us know if you are interested in our limited-time offer rates or in discussing payment terms.
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