Data Protection Officer Course

Organizations today operate in highly complex, competitive, and volatile environment and are required to build trust among its various stakeholders from its customers, partners, alliances, and regulators. Increasing uncertainties and ambiguity presses organizations to look into embracing digital transformation strategies integrating digital solutions and other technologies into business processes.

Program Overview

Organizations need to build a culture of trust and compliance with the obscurity and intrusiveness of technology in our daily lives. Digital technology will be omnipresent to support the formulation of new products, solutions, and services addressing existing markets needs and expansion to new territories. There is a need to enable widespread trust in business to ensure the full participation of the public in the digital economy. Organization’s capacity building efforts must integrate transparency, compliance, and accountability in their digital innovation journey to enhance organizations’ brand and reputation as well as promoting a rule based, open, non-discriminatory inclusive marketplace.

The rapid adoption of technology tools and the fast-track computerization of business processes has also brought with it VARIOUS RISKS specially to the processing of personal data. In order for organizations to fully optimize the value of data including personal data, a deep understanding of the principles and requirements in the Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA) is crucial to integrating privacy and data protection to business processes that uses personal information.

The program will provide an overview of the “WHAT” of the DPA while focusing on operationalizing a privacy management program.

The program will tackle the “HOW” of implementing a privacy management program and provide the “WHY” of the general data privacy principles in the DPA regulation. It is a foundational DPO Certification program delivered in a workshop format with actual activities and case scenarios. This DPO program will provide a hands-on approach to privacy and data protection.

The program is for business leaders and individuals in cross-functional teams who will bring their organization to the orbit of Industry 4.0 digital ecosystem maximizing the utility of personal data and technology. By joining the program, leaders and teams will expand their capabilities and develop a knowledge of their organization’s business model and functional linkages in relation to processing of personal information. They will be able to make strategic actions and operational decisions equipped with a holistic perspective, linking operations plans to customer experience, human capital management, financial results, and business trust.


Program Objectives:

This interactive online program aims to expand the business perspective of cross-functional leaders, managers, and supervisors. It will teach the principles and framework of personal data governance within key functional areas like Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Human Resources, and Operations to develop their cross-functional skills, knowledge, decision-making, and collaboration capabilities. 

By joining the program, participants will develop their understanding of cross-functional linkages in their organization and the different personal data processes and data processing tools for planning and executing cross-functional efforts. The program will enable them to explore innovative approaches to personal data governance to tasks and responsibilities and drive business growth with a cross-functional mindset. 

What You Will Learn:

  1. MODULE A: Privacy and Data Protection 
    • Understanding privacy and data protection. Gain knowledge on the Philippine Data Privacy Act of 2012 and how its principles and requirements are embedded into the Information Lifecycle Governance. 
  2. MODULE B: Data Privacy Management 
    • Implementing a Data Privacy Management Program allows organizations to demonstrate accountability and compliance with the Data Privacy Act. 

Note: The course is co-delivered with Straits Interactive. Straits Interactive is an accredited Institutional Privacy Trainer by the National Privacy Commission (NPC) under the NPC T3P program. 

Key Benefits:

  1. Well-Structured Program and World-Class Faculty 
    • The online program offers a venue for high-impact learning with real-time, experiential, and interactive online sessions. The participants will learn from AIM’s world-class faculty, industry leaders, and practitioners network. 
  2. Gain a Holistic Business Perspective and Deeper Understanding of Privacy and Data Protection
    • The program helps leaders, managers, supervisors, and individual contributors develop a broader business perspective and a deeper understanding of Privacy and Data Protection Linkages between key teams in an organization, such as Finance, Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Human Resources, and Operations. 
  3. Enhanced Privacy and Data Protection Leadership and Personal Data Governance Skills 
    • The program enhances the participants’ capability to lead and manage in a cross-functional setting, improving performance, planning, collaboration, and execution of cross-functional efforts while embedding privacy and data protection in business processes. 

Who Should Attend:

Managers, Supervisors, and Individual Contributors who want to gain a broader understanding of privacy and data protection principles and DPA regulatory requirements in business to understand the linkages of personal data processing between key functional teams and improve their leadership and personal data governance skills in a cross-functional and collaborative setting. 

Entrepreneurs and Business Owners who want to manage their business better by strengthening their understanding of the privacy and data protection linkages between key functional areas in any organization. 

Program Days:
To be announced

Program Format
Delivered online via live virtual interactive sessions in Zoom 

Program Fees:
PHP: 25,990.00 
USD: 467.53*

*The prevailing exchange rate at the date of payment may apply

Let us know if you are interested in our limited-time offer rates or in discussing payment terms.