Human Resources Manager Development 

The ongoing pandemic has forced companies/institutions to look at how agile their business model and their organizations are. It has also brought the Human Resources function into a more prominent role as companies looked for ways to continue delivering products and services, or pivoted to other business models.  Human Resources managers are now being called upon to help lead the organization’s efforts to provide the skilled, engaged and agile work teams within the environment of changing health protocols, volatile business environment, employee uncertainties and fears.

Program Overview

How prepared are your company’s HR Managers for the increasing demands that are being placed upon them?

By joining the program, participants will increase their capabilities within the Human Resources function and provide them a broader perspective of their role.

With effective HR Managers, the company will have a more engaged workforce who will enable it to reach new heights, achieve breakthrough business strategies and growth, and address an array of organizational challenges.


Program Objectives:

This interactive online program aims to increase the HR Manager’s knowledge of human resources processes and how these align with business strategy, and enhance their leadership skills. The program will teach skills in Strategy, business partnering, coaching skills, labor relations and negotiation, organization development and change management. The program will also update participants on trends in the areas of Talent Acquisition, Total Rewards and Performance Management. 

What You Will Learn:

  • DAY 1: Leadership in Your HR Role 
  • DAY 2: Strategic Systems Thinking 
  • DAY 3: Business Partnering 
  • DAY 4: Talent Acquisition 
  • DAY 5: Total Rewards 
  • DAY 6: Performance Management 
  • DAYS 7 and 8: Coaching Skills 
  • DAY 9: Talent Development and Succession Planning 
  • DAY 10: Labor Relations 
  • DAY 11: Labor Negotiations 

Key Benefits:

Well-Structured Program and World-Class Faculty
The online program offers a venue for high-impact learning with real-time, experiential, and interactive online sessions. Participants will learn from AIM’s world-class faculty and its network of industry leaders and practitioners.

Enhanced Human Resources Management Skills and Leadership Capabilities
The program develops top-notch Human Resource Managers and Business Partners with enhanced leadership capabilities, knowledge of key people systems, and critical skills for transforming organizations and working teams amidst disruption and challenges.

Enhanced Employee Engagement and Commitment Amidst Disruption
With effective Human Resource Managers and Business Partners, organizations will benefit from a highly engaged and committed workforce that is prepared to face business transformation amidst a volatile business environment.

Who Should Attend:

Human Resources Managers, Business Partners, and Specialists who want to improve their skills to add greater value to the organization. 

Line Leaders in Operations who want to go through Human Resources roles. 

Entrepreneurs and Business Owners who want to manage their business better with improved knowledge on human resources practices. 

Live Online:
To be announced

Face-to-Face On-Campus: 
To be announced 

With special inclusion of role plays via the interactive breakout sessions 

Program Fee:
PHP: 75,990.00
USD: 1,370.50*

*The prevailing exchange rate at the date of payment may apply

Let us know if you are interested in our limited-time offer rates or in discussing payment terms.