Strategic Project Design and Management

In today’s environment of disruptive innovations, Strategic Project Design and Management provides companies with a proven management framework to align the established strategic projects and priorities with the company’s vision and competitive value proposition. The Strategic Project Design and Management will create the necessary link in the analysis, choice, and implementation of these project priorities.

Program Overview

Thinking in terms of strategic project management is critical for companies to optimize the organizational impact of these initiatives. This course covers concepts that make the project management process more complete and strategic by extending the design and management framework to include:

  • Preparatory steps leading to hard decisions on project identification and design 
  • Beyond immediate project outputs, the project’s medium-to-long-term results and sustainability 


Program Objectives:

At the end of the program, participants should be able to:

  • Develop and use a Strategic Design and Management Framework that starts with the situation and stakeholder analysis, incorporates change management, and ends with a critical evaluation of project results 
  • Identify strategic alternatives for achieving project objectives 
  • Transform chosen alternatives into a project design specifying project results and their strategic impacts 
  • Drive the innovation, automation, and continuous process improvement project priorities of their company 

What You Will Learn:

  • The Design and Management Framework for project development 
  • Problem/Opportunities analysis leading to identifying strategic projects 
  • Developing results chains 
  • Aligning project outputs (the WHAT) to project outcomes (the WHY) 
  • Developing project performance metrics 
  • Assessing risks that threaten project outputs and outcomes 

Key Benefits:

  • Identification of the stakeholders in a problem situation 
  • Organizing a problem situation into a cause-and-effect analysis 
  • Converting problems into objectives 
  • Defining the purpose of projects and the outcome you would like projects to result to 
  • Aligning project objectives to the organization’s strategic goals 
  • Establishing the feasibility and desirability of projects. 
  • Development of metrics to assess project success 
  • Identifying risks and developing risk response measures, especially for highly likely and high-impact risks 
  • Developing a dashboard by which you can monitor project success 

Who Should Attend:

The program is recommended for executives, project managers, product developers, development consultants, and IT professionals.

Program Days:
To be announced

Program Format:
Delivered online via live virtual interactive sessions in Zoom

Program Fees:
PHP: 25,990.00
USD: 467.53*

*The prevailing exchange rate at the date of payment may apply.

Let us know if you are interested in our limited-time offer rates or in discussing payment terms.