Solving Contemporary Legal Problems with Emerging Technologies and Innovation Techniques

Attorneys-at-law and legal professionals need to continue adapting to different industries and approaches to solving complex legal processes and may even include approaches from different fields. The Solving Contemporary Legal Problems with Emerging Technologies and Innovation Techniques program will address the basics of legal decision-making, including but not limited to design and systems thinking that affect business and corporate interests. This program will marry interactive sessions, lectures, and case studies from experts in the field to come up with innovative solutions to legal queries.  

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Program Overview

This Solving Contemporary Legal Problems with Emerging Technologies and Innovation Techniques program incorporates an interdisciplinary approach towards real-life legal decision making, using data-driven technology to simplify these tasks. It will also address the innovations that have emerged in the modern legal system that have impacted the delivery and optimization of services to clients.  

As one of the programs offered under the Postgraduate Certificate in Legal innovation and Management, this course will take a deep-dive into contemporary legal issues that organizations face, and how to use emerging technology and innovative ways to solve them. This will also capacitate legal professionals to apply these strategies into their own organizations.  

Through this program one can build on existing problem-solving skills in the legal field, manage client satisfaction, and gain expertise in using innovative technology towards improving legal services.  


Program Objectives:

  • Optimize legal processes through integration of innovative technology  
  • Enhance legal knowledge through a multi-disciplinary approach  
  • Networking and collaborate with legal professionals to solve complex legal queries 
  • Improve client satisfaction and stakeholder management through enhanced legal expertise 

What You Will Learn:

  • Innovative Legal Problem-Solving Techniques  
  • Critical Understanding of Modern Legal Problems  
  • Legal Systems and Design Thinking  
  • Improved Client and Stakeholder Management  
  • Enhanced Expertise in Legal Services and Processes

Key Benefits:

  • Improve Legal Services: Enhanced expertise in legal problem-solving leads to client satisfaction.  
  • Innovative Problem-Solving Techniques: Gain an edge in solving contemporary legal issues.  
  • Embrace a Multi-Disciplinary Approach: The integration of different perspectives enriches the legal field. 
  • Foster Legal Innovation: Build upon a network of legal providers that embrace innovation and technology.  

Who Should Attend:

This program is designed for legal professionals such as lawyers, notary publics, and paralegals who wish to gain a critical understanding of legal problem-solving. In addition, this may also be offered to legal support services in different organizations, such as nonprofit and government agencies, in order to enhance their expertise in the field.