Operations Manager Development

Organizations in general offer a product, service or a combination of both to customers. Depending on the quality of the product or services provided, an organization builds trust with customers. Every business would like to provide the best value to their customers consistently to boost their sales. How can organizations make sure that they can consistently provide high Quality products and services to their customers?

Program Overview

Operations Management is key in delivering this for organizations by creating the most value from the available resources and addressing the bottlenecks with short- & long-term solutions while managing the day-to-day operations effectively & efficiently. Managing effective operations means multiple functions are working together in sync just like following a drumbeat. This is possible when the organizations have a trained leader who understands each element of the operations. To then be able to develop their team to execute the work in synergy. 

Operations in different types of organization could mean doing different things, however Operations Management focuses on ensuring smooth day-to-day work in a cost effective & efficient way while maintaining the quality of product & services, regardless of the field. 


Program Objectives:

For a business to be successful, managing its operations is critical. Operations Management is the heart for any organization and keeping it in good health is important for any business. 

The objective of this program is to let participants understand the importance of Operations for the overall business. How they can help their organizations create value in delivering outstanding products and services in time by efficiently utilizing the available resources. 

The participants will be introduced to the concepts and techniques used in design, planning, control and improvement of manufacturing and service operations. 

What You Will Learn:

  • Develop a greater understanding of operations and operations management in any organization. 
  • Understand the importance of productivity and ways of improving it. 
  • Understand the importance of Developing an Operations Strategy 
  • Gain an understanding of various design decisions to be considered and how they relate to the operations strategy. 
  • Understand the roles of inventories in various demand scenarios. 
  • Gain insights and a deeper understanding of process analytics and process controls. 
  • Understand the importance of a Quality Management system within an organization and ways of improving the Quality of Products produced or services rendered. Learn how to identify and minimize waste during operation. 
  • Learn about Risk Management. 
  • Learn the concepts of make vs buy and management of third party. 

Key Benefits:

The benefits for the organization from the program will be to help improve product quality and services rendered to customers giving competitive edge in the market. 

Organizations have seen some massive disruptions in supply chain in the last 2-3 years and is time to reevaluate their operations and prepare to deliver even during unexpected situations.. 

The program will help improve productivity, reduce cost by process mapping, identifying bottlenecks and optimizing the processes. 

The program will help employee better understand their processes, identify improvements, and contribute towards business growth. 


Who Should Attend:

The program is designed to benefit employees in Operations related roles and aspire to grow in the organization. The program will help the organization to develop their talents and prepare them for senior operations roles like Site Directors, Value Stream professionals, and leaders from various functions like Manufacturing, Quality, Procurement, Technical, Engineering, etc. 

The course content is designed for multinational organizations as well as SMEs. The program is suitable for manufacturing organizations, and service industries like hotels, hospitals & call centers. 

The following roles will benefit from the course: 

  • Operations Manager 
  • Supply Chain Manager 
  • Production analyst/ Schedule Coordinator 
  • Production Manager 
  • Industrial Engineer 
  • Purchasing Manager 
  • Inventory Manager 
  • Quality Manager 

Program Days:
To be announced

Program Format:
Delivered online via live virtual interactive sessions in Zoom

Program Fees:
PHP: 75,990.00
USD: 1,370.50*

*The prevailing exchange rate at the date of payment may apply

Let us know if you are interested in our limited-time offer rates or in discussing payment terms.