A Night of Networking Brilliance: International Chambers Networking Night at the Asian Institute of Management

December 11, 2023
In a dazzling display of international cooperation and business acumen, the Asian Institute of Management’s (AIM) Career Services Office (CSO) hosted the much-anticipated International Chambers Networking Night on 8 November 2023.


MANILA, Philippines - In a dazzling display of international cooperation and business acumen, the Asian Institute of Management’s (AIM) Career Services Office (CSO) hosted the much-anticipated International Chambers Networking Night on 8 November 2023. Held inside AIM’s spacious Fuller Hall, this exclusive event aimed to foster connections and expose graduating students to the world of global business, highlight significant initiatives, and unveil the latest developments among Chamber Partners. 

The evening unfolded in a vibrant series of conversations and shared insights, creating a memorable night of in-person interaction and network-building. Esteemed speakers representing various international chambers brought a unique perspective and wealth of experience to the stage. 

The keynote address, delivered by Lorens Ziller, Executive Director of the Italian Chamber of Commerce, set the tone for the night while Mike Macatangay EMBA 2006, a distinguished alum from AIM and Board of Director and Treasurer of the Israel Chamber of Commerce, captivated the audience with the latest updates from his chamber. Jesper Svenningsen, Executive Director of the Nordic Chamber of Commerce, and Emmanuel de Ghellinck from La Camara also provided a glimpse into the latest developments within their respective business communities, while the British Chamber of Commerce did not provide a speech, they were still represented by their Research and Project Officer Maria Josef, who was in attendance during the event. 

At the event’s conclusion, each school took the opportunity to pitch their programs to the attendees, providing a unique platform for educational institutions to showcase their offerings. Attendees were treated to cocktails during the networking session, further enhancing the atmosphere of camaraderie and collaboration. 

The event not only provided a platform for knowledge exchange but also served as a bridge between academia and industry. Participants, including students and seasoned professionals, shared their initial impressions, affirming, 'The event was highly successful; it was a fantastic opportunity to connect with individuals who play a pivotal role in linking the Philippines to their respective nations.' One of the standout moments includes a future collaboration in cybersecurity, with a participant noting, 'The Israeli Economic Attaché and I are set to explore joint ventures in cybersecurity projects,' which highlights tangible business opportunities emerging from the event." 

The night concluded on a high note, leaving attendees eager to express their anticipation, stating, "Looking forward to the next event to expand brand positioning," and inspired and armed with newfound connections to navigate the intricacies of the global business world. 

For inquiries about the AIM Career Services Office’s events and activities, reach out to us via email at careerservices@aim.edu.

About AIM: 

The Asian Institute of Management (AIM) is an Asian pioneer in management education. The Institute was founded in 1968 by a consortium of prominent business leaders, Philippine academic institutions, and the Harvard Business School. AIM is the first school in Southeast Asia to receive accreditation from the US-based Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), globally recognized as having the world's highest standards. Throughout its history, the Institute has sought to empower students to thrive in challenging, rapidly shifting environments. It achieves this by encouraging a more considerate, effective, and sustainable approach to business and society.

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